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I've got the Beam Dog version.

Opening cinematics suggest that this is an Russian game localized for English speakers.
Voice tracks have been completely redubbed and rugged looking Columbian men tend to all have a "Pip Pip for a cuppa" accent and manner in their speech but actual written dialogue, when not audible, is filled with typos and witicisms that make absolutely no sense.

I've had a minor conversation mission fail due to breaking after accidentally escaping out of the conversation. When I attempted to start talking to the NPC again there was no response from my mouse clicks.

I also experienced a stack trace crash bug.

And finally the game opened with an advert for Maxim (light porn) magazine.

I'm not sure if these issues are only with the Beam Dog version or if others are experiencing them as well whom bought Xenus II from other sites.

If so, I'm not sure how long the game has been around but it needs some SERIOUS patching.
carnival73: And finally the game opened with an advert for Maxim (light porn) magazine.
I wouldn't call Maxim "light porn", there is absolutely nothing in Maxim that you won't see in a Victoria's Secret catalog, Playboy barely qualifies for that title these days.

To address your issue, isn't that made by that Russian developer that went under a month or two ago? I think there was a thread about it, here on GOG.
Post edited March 19, 2011 by orcishgamer
carnival73: And finally the game opened with an advert for Maxim (light porn) magazine.
orcishgamer: I wouldn't call Maxim "light porn", there is absolutely nothing in Maxim that you won't see in a Victoria's Secret catalog, Playboy barely qualifies for that title these days.

To address your issue, isn't that made by that Russian developer that went under a month or two ago? I think there was a thread about it, here on GOG.
I'm definitely not offended by the magazine, I read a few issues myself back in the States and here in NZ we "Zoo" which is the equivalent of Maxim and a good mag as well.

I just found it odd that the game opened with an advertisement, especially an ad for a centerfold mag.

BTW if that developer has gone down the tubes then we can only hope that a community patch pops up a few years from now.
Post edited March 19, 2011 by carnival73
orcishgamer: I wouldn't call Maxim "light porn", there is absolutely nothing in Maxim that you won't see in a Victoria's Secret catalog, Playboy barely qualifies for that title these days.

To address your issue, isn't that made by that Russian developer that went under a month or two ago? I think there was a thread about it, here on GOG.
carnival73: BTW if that developer has gone down the tubes then we can only hope that a community patch pops up a few years from now.
Well, there was some community interest in this game, so it's very possible there will be a community patch. Likewise, a big developer in Europe or the US might pick up the rights to the game as all they have to do is localization and some patching to land some revenue off it.
carnival73: BTW if that developer has gone down the tubes then we can only hope that a community patch pops up a few years from now.
orcishgamer: Well, there was some community interest in this game, so it's very possible there will be a community patch. Likewise, a big developer in Europe or the US might pick up the rights to the game as all they have to do is localization and some patching to land some revenue off it.
It looks to be a pretty good game. I just hope that, as is, none of these of bugs are game-fatal twenty hours or so in.

The NPC conversation mission that broke on me didn't look like it was leading to anything critical, just a side thing to mess around with to score some more Pesos.
The British accents made me laugh out loud. They were clearly done by people who have heard of this place called England and may possibly have seen a Guy Richie movie at some point.
Delixe: The British accents made me laugh out loud. They were clearly done by people who have heard of this place called England and may possibly have seen a Guy Richie movie at some point.
The voice acting isn't bad, it's just way out of place to point of absurdity.

Not only did the voice dubbing drown out all of the action sounds but it seemed like two characters from Coronation Street were accidentally teleported from the local pub and spawned into the back of that racing boat under heavy fire.
These are the spots I went to, to get the issues fixed with the game. I hope it helps you! =)

I got the Russian version with proper (Russian) voice acting from then applied the translation patch which just changes the text to English. Well mostly English. One conversation with one of the Don's girls was so weird I can only assume they ran it through several other languages first using Google translate before finally translating it into English.

But maybe that's been improved since then. This was last year.

Anyway you can remove the advert at the start of the game simply be removing the relevant video from the game's install location. It shouldn't be too tricky to find. You can remove the logo videos while you're there too if you want.
Thanks for the info.
Patch hosted on RPG Watch is NOT Beam Dog friendly.

Had to uninstall and re-download all over again.

Really wish Beam Dog would let me back-up because we pay per byte downloaded here in NZ.
The unofficial patch cleared up the open sequence, also fixed the flickering I was getting from my ATI card. This game still needs some patching or more community patching if the makers did go under? I am a fairly casual gamer so mostly getting some laughs out of trying to play this. The sound still goes out for me every 15-20 min of game play which can be a problem if you are getting shot at. Fortunately the game does have a red splotch to let you know you are taking damage. Maybe they knew the sound would be going out so they also have a popup that stops you in the middle of a firefight to tell you your left arm has taken damage. Problem is this pops up every time you take damage not just the first time as a bit of tutorial or lesson. This tends to be a problem when your in a firefight and each time you take damage the action is interrupted, or at least I couldn't figure out how to not have the pop occur.

Early game play I am just running around doing a few boring missions involving just talking to people for a few pesos. Translations of dialogue can be a bit off but no real big problem there, but a lot of dialogue for 30-50 pesos. Then also a top screen message "boring, would be a lot more fun to shoot some A$$hole." The game seems like the developers had played Deus Ex, Farcry, Stalker and then took some things from them to make the game. Problem is it just isn't polished enough or feel finished, sort of like a school project to make a game. The game then froze on me when I met a character in the main plot line, so I would recommend save often. After 3 or 4 restarts to get the sound back I finally took a break and played some Deus Ex(Nameless Mod) and then a few missions in my current ME2 play through. There is probably some fun to be had with the game if you have the patience and maybe more searching might fix a few problems like with the sound. The game is definitely not worth $30 in it's current state. Main thing it did make me think how many games I have that are better and don't require restarting every 15 min of play.
Yeah, as the above poster mentioned - this isn't worth $30. If you're curious I would get it for $5 from Beam Dog during this sale.

It looks like the developer was rushed to release a Beta with intention of patching up during the months after release but the developer shut down.

At the begining you come across someone whom wrecked their car attempting to kill a giant spider. If you look at the broken car pieces "11114" appears above all of them.

You also see "11114" again if you open your extra actions menu (F key) the last selection, I don't know what it is but doesn't work and is labeled as "111114."

One of the people working on an unofficial patch stated they have yet to be able to correct a game fatale bug involving playing around with a lever before placing emblems in a door. Apparently if you don't have all the emblems but previously messed around with the lever, the door won't open when you finally do have all emblems in place.

Also, once again, I normally have about 200 megs of RAM free when running this game but the unofficial patch added to the Beam Dog version drained my RAM down to nothing and the game hitched in an eternal loading sequence.
carnival73: Yeah, as the above poster mentioned - this isn't worth $30. If you're curious I would get it for $5 from Beam Dog during this sale.

It looks like the developer was rushed to release a Beta with intention of patching up during the months after release but the developer shut down.

At the begining you come across someone whom wrecked their car attempting to kill a giant spider. If you look at the broken car pieces "11114" appears above all of them.

You also see "11114" again if you open your extra actions menu (F key) the last selection, I don't know what it is but doesn't work and is labeled as "111114."

One of the people working on an unofficial patch stated they have yet to be able to correct a game fatale bug involving playing around with a lever before placing emblems in a door. Apparently if you don't have all the emblems but previously messed around with the lever, the door won't open when you finally do have all emblems in place.

Also, once again, I normally have about 200 megs of RAM free when running this game but the unofficial patch added to the Beam Dog version drained my RAM down to nothing and the game hitched in an eternal loading sequence.
This is starting to sound like a totally different game to the one I played... The Russian version had no such problems. There was a bug where I randomly got given a mission I had already completed, but that was about it, bug-wise.
just go to and pick up the game+unofficial patch for ~$8USD, I have experienced none of these reported problems, and I've been playing it a lot more.

And I really don't think the developer is doing as poorly as everyone says they are, there site has some more recent updates than a month ago I believe.