Posted March 19, 2011
I've got the Beam Dog version.
Opening cinematics suggest that this is an Russian game localized for English speakers.
Voice tracks have been completely redubbed and rugged looking Columbian men tend to all have a "Pip Pip for a cuppa" accent and manner in their speech but actual written dialogue, when not audible, is filled with typos and witicisms that make absolutely no sense.
I've had a minor conversation mission fail due to breaking after accidentally escaping out of the conversation. When I attempted to start talking to the NPC again there was no response from my mouse clicks.
I also experienced a stack trace crash bug.
And finally the game opened with an advert for Maxim (light porn) magazine.
I'm not sure if these issues are only with the Beam Dog version or if others are experiencing them as well whom bought Xenus II from other sites.
If so, I'm not sure how long the game has been around but it needs some SERIOUS patching.
Opening cinematics suggest that this is an Russian game localized for English speakers.
Voice tracks have been completely redubbed and rugged looking Columbian men tend to all have a "Pip Pip for a cuppa" accent and manner in their speech but actual written dialogue, when not audible, is filled with typos and witicisms that make absolutely no sense.
I've had a minor conversation mission fail due to breaking after accidentally escaping out of the conversation. When I attempted to start talking to the NPC again there was no response from my mouse clicks.
I also experienced a stack trace crash bug.
And finally the game opened with an advert for Maxim (light porn) magazine.
I'm not sure if these issues are only with the Beam Dog version or if others are experiencing them as well whom bought Xenus II from other sites.
If so, I'm not sure how long the game has been around but it needs some SERIOUS patching.