Throdax: This comes as a bit of a surprise…. I really don’t see how they can translate the tactical decision that was present in X-COM to a FPS…
-What will determine the accuracy of the shots? My aiming? To aim at a head shoot and to “miss” because some random stat? Might as well not aim…
So you aim and shoot. The accuracy of your shots are determined by you pointing at the damned target.
- Since we are now a soldier, what happens if we die? Game over? Guess I’ll send a ton of rookies while I sit in the landing craft sipping cappuccinos
So you play the Commander or Squad leader or whatever. It will be different, but so be it.
- Will our super FBI agent also pilot the crafts that shoot down the UFOs?
No reason those can't be cutscenes. Or maybe it can be a minigame. Still options.
Plus, it has been a few years since I played XCOM proper, but I don't recall actually controlling the planes back then either. Just deploy them.
- Where is the tension of turn points? Should I try one more auto shoot or save those points to crouch and wait for opportunity fire? Sure the FPS can had its own kind of tensions, but not the X-COM tension.
Should I try one more full auto burst, or should I duck behind cover so that my head won't get blasted off?
Should I charge forward, or break off and reload?
Should I strike now, or call my squad over to me?
- Will our FBI agent have the power to purchase new bases outside the USA (gasp!)?
Gundato: No reason you wouldn't be able to, although I suggest they would automate that to make a more narrative game. Again, has nothing to do with the FPS, just means a strategic view of some form would be needed (even if it is just a between level menu)
You can always find similar systems but it will never be the same feeling, it will never be X-COM. If you aim, stats will be gone or redundant, and if you good at shooting they have to compensate with game breaking or imbalance stuff... They'll prolly add level scaling also.
Just milking a name, in my opinion. X-COM is like a good chess game, Now imagine that you can only move the king and you have split seconds to make decisions.... yeah...