JMich: Teleporting enemies seems to have been fixed in XCOM:EW, since it is possible to have a soldier being able to see the aliens but the aliens unable to see the soldier (ghost armor, mimic skin, etc)
Does that count as global bug fix or a feature of EW? Pretty sure I saw them stop at the end of the alien turn: they had no more movement points. And I could still see them while the camera panned to my heavy as my turn began. But once I sent a scout to lure them out they were just gone.
Last soldier should never dash. Move once, and cover the rest of the soldiers. A last soldier dashing can easily wipe your squad, especially if he triggers 2 groups. And don't be afraid to skip civilians, you can usually save more than enough.
I wasn't dashing. My squad landed at a crossroad, only soft cover in sight, one car on the left road (and a van with full cover, but that was too far) and two on the right. Since I had to restart that mission several times because of crashes on overwatch, now I know that if I had moved at max range in both directions, I would have triggered 2+3+3=8(!) crysalids. There was also a floater patrol that would usually reach my position within 4-5 turns, and lots of civilians eager to be zombified (at least 2 per group of crysalids).
I say that's really not a lot of room to maneuver. The map isn't small, no need to put all that crap near the landing zone.
Hawk52: *snip*more of the same *snip*
Thanks, I suppose that answer my question. I want to finish the campaign at least once before resorting to mods, but I'll keep them in mind.
Hawk52: I don't even get WHY they restricted it. In the EW base mission, you have many more soldiers you can command. So it clearly wasn't a game engine restriction.
I think they just wanted to make gameplay faster than the old times, the whole game seems to be designed with that in mind. Can't really blame them for that, but yes, 4 soldiers as the basic squad side is annoying. They could have at least made the upgrades cheaper.