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I'd like to play Dead Rising 3, but if it's available for 360, I don't see any reason to pick up an XBone. Ryse seems to be an exercise in playing minigame cutscenes with no real skills involved, but it looks very pretty. Also, if I remember right, Titanfall is also going to be releasing for 360 as well, so...I guess the real killer apps are left being Killer Instinct. I'll need to look over a bit more of their launch lineup, but it's likely I'm going to save some cash this generation and upgrade my PC, which I badly need to do, at which point, I won't really need a console.
LiquidOxygen80: I'd like to play Dead Rising 3, but if it's available for 360, ...
It's not. DR3 is an XB1 exclusive.
LiquidOxygen80: I'd like to play Dead Rising 3, but if it's available for 360, ...
spindown: It's not. DR3 is an XB1 exclusive.
That's disappointing. I thought I'd heard through the grapevine that since DR3 is only running a lowres version for the XB1, that 360 would be included. Maybe I'm thinking of another game?
Trajhenkhetlive: Waiting for 3 years before I consider buying any of the new consoles. I was an early adopter of the 360 and to make a long story short I'll just express tersely the levels of hell I went through:

1) None of the play and charge kits function right after about 3 months.
2) Lost 90 dollars worth of dlc due to microsoft forcing users to switch over to a hotmail account if their live account was associated with a different kind of email (say GMail or YahooMail). (The DLC was stlll on my hard drive, but switching consoles or hard drives would have eventually lost me the dlc on a new console or new hard drive)
3) Experienced red ring of death on console. The second console, in three years of service, has a failing disc drive. (Won't always eject right without leaving a disc in).
4) Got to witness a stream of new consoles for the same price as the one I bought come out with even more features (built in WIFI, extra usb ports, bigger hard drive)
I had experiences very similar to yours. I never had the loss of DLC, but I did had two consoles bricked due to the red-ring. My third one has the issue with the disc-drive. So after all that, I quit buying consoles anywhere near launch. The other things you mentioned (consoles with tonnes of added bonuses for almost no extra cost) is another factor.

I'm going to wait until at least next holiday season to even consider looking at the PS4.
Post edited November 20, 2013 by Devoidless
spindown: It's not. DR3 is an XB1 exclusive.
LiquidOxygen80: That's disappointing. I thought I'd heard through the grapevine that since DR3 is only running a lowres version for the XB1, that 360 would be included. Maybe I'm thinking of another game?
I guess it's not totally impossible. DR3 runs at an upscaled 720p resolution, so technically it might be possible to port it to the 360. But the game seems to be having performance issues even on the XB1, plus Microsoft probably paid quite a bit of money to make the game an exclusive in order to push the new console, so I doubt it.
The problem with the XBone is the whole upscale 720p thing. Other than that, it's fine for rich people with money to throw around. ^^
shadowknight2814: and before that, the PS2 had tons of hardware issues at launch.
Mine still works great (bought the first gen I believe) minus a memory card port that may have broken due to extensive use, as does my 7 year old polaroid monitor. My 3-4 year old hd television monitor however lost audio capabilities.Technology ain't what it used to be.

I'm thankful that Sony decided to drop me as a customer with their lack of backwards compatibility support. They saved me thousands of $ on their consoles and games. :>
StingingVelvet: Dead Rising 3 looks pretty great. I won't be able to play it for a while because I went PS4, but I wish I could.

Ryse... I don't think it looks as terrible as some do, but I'm definitely not excited by it.

Everything else isn't my thing.

On the hardware front I don't care even a little bit about the TV stuff, the media center stuff or the voice command stuff. I'll never use any of that. So as a machine I plug in to play games on it seems way over-designed and expensive to me.
Thats just it, its not just a machine you plug in and play games on anymore and that goes for the PS4 as well. Wether you like it or not, they are no longer just game machines. Personally, I will never understand why someone would want less features. Does having Netflix in any way impede the console's ability to play games? Does it impeded the game companies ability to create games? Of course not. They are all options and options are always a good thing. I used to be one of the naysayers in regards to bringing TV, movies and such to game consoles, but I openly admit this is one area I was dead wrong on. I used to have devices up the ying yang hooked up to my TV. WDTV's, DVD players, game consoles, etc.. Now I have one device that does everything I want it to do. And in all fairness, this is the direction MS has stated it was going from day 1. Actually Bill gates made this perfectly clear in a Time magazine interview months before the original Xbox even launched. So basically they have had a very singular vision for what the Xbox would become and its pretty amazing how close it really is to being just what they talked about 12-13 years ago.

Oh well, to each their own. If people don't like all the media options, they don't have to use them. If you want it to be nothing more than a game machine, then you can still have exactly that. Again, that's the great thing about options, they are there if you want to use them or you can just ignore them. I will definitely be one of the people using them.
Post edited November 20, 2013 by RighteousNixon
shadowknight2814: My advice to everyone, on BOTH the XB1 and the PS4 is to wait a year or two if you can.... Both launch models of the previous generation had tons of problems with their first iterations, and before that, the PS2 had tons of hardware issues at launch. I'd wait, enjoy current gen games, and pick one (or both) for next year, when there's an actual library of games to play.
There is just no way I could sit back and wait a year or two before buying them. I would have a hard time waiting a month, let alone a year, let alone 2 years, lol. I have been patiently waiting for this next generation to begin and now finally its here. Even if the launch games were weak, I would still have a hard time saying no. This is the strongest launch line up I have ever seen for a console before so that just makes it that much more impossible for me to say no. In all honesty, I am not worried about hardware failures at all. I have never had issues with gaming hardware at launch. Even the RROD I had occur with my 360 didn't happen until well into the 3rd year and I actually wound up benefiting from that happening.

Nope, just cant do it. Gotta have my consoles at launch. Just too much excitement to put it off.
Post edited November 20, 2013 by RighteousNixon
RighteousNixon: I have 2 XBox One's pre-ordered, along with 6 games (Assassins Creed IV, Forze 5, Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Need for Speed Rivals, and COD Ghosts). I will buy a PS4 around this time next year. Short of the WiiU, I will have access to any game that comes to market that I might be interested in.
I have pre-ordered the Xbox One as well along with Ryse and Dead Rising 3. I would pre-order COD Ghosts, but the XBox One version is not up for pre-orders here in Brazil for some reason. Still thinking about pre-ordering Forza 5. I'm not a huge fan of racing games, but i did enjoy Forza 2 a lot when i played it on the Xbox 360. From the reviews it looks like Forza 5 is the best launch title for the Xbox One right now.

I have a Wii U already because i'm a huge Nintendo fan. To be honest i'm far more excited about Super Mario 3D World than any of the PS4 or Xbox One launch titles. But that's just me.
RighteousNixon: In all honesty, I am not worried about hardware failures at all.
I'm not worried this time because i got the official brazilian Xbox One covered by warranty and everything. If i had to import it like in previous console launches i would be worried about it. It's pretty much impossible to return it for repairs if you import it (or the shipping fees might end up being more expensive than buying a new console). So yeah, it's a reason for concerns if you are importing.

RighteousNixon: Nope, just cant do it. Gotta have my consoles at launch. Just too much excitement to put it off.
I'm exactly like you. I get really excited when new consoles are released and always try to buy them at launch (or a few months after launch).
Post edited November 20, 2013 by Neobr10
timppu: The other side of the coin is that sometimes they make unwanted changes to the newer revisions, like:

- dropping backwards compatibility (PS2-compatibility of PS3?)
Exactly. The newer revisions of the PS3 are actually worse than the initial PS3 models when it comes to features (of course the newer revisions did fix the YLOD problems, so yeah, it's better at this aspect). Removing PS2 backwards compability was really stupid in my opinion. If i recall correctly later Wii models also had GC backwards compability removed. One of the things i hated about the Xbox 360 was the poor backwards compability (only a few Xbox games are compatible with the Xbox and even then some of them have some glitches that don't appear on the original Xbox). For some reasons Sony decided to take out one of it's advantages over the Xbox 360 by removing bakcwards compability completely.
shadowknight2814: Both launch models of the previous generation had tons of problems with their first iterations, and before that, the PS2 had tons of hardware issues at launch. I'd wait, enjoy current gen games, and pick one (or both) for next year, when there's an actual library of games to play.
The first Xbox was pretty damn good, though. I have never heard of any major issues with the Xbox on launch. The only "issue" the first Xbox models had was that the controller wasn't really that great (many people complained that it was too big, and some of the buttons had an awkward position on the controller, like the black and white buttons above the ABXY buttons). Newer revisions of the Xbox came with a new controller design that was much smaller and more comfortable.

Nintendo consoles are always reliable even at launch.
Post edited November 20, 2013 by Neobr10
RighteousNixon: Thats just it, its not just a machine you plug in and play games on anymore and that goes for the PS4 as well. Wether you like it or not, they are no longer just game machines. Personally, I will never understand why someone would want less features. Does having Netflix in any way impede the console's ability to play games? Does it impeded the game companies ability to create games? Of course not.
I think you're putting a lot of words in my mouth there.

The PS4 does have a tab for media services but it's easy to ignore if you want, and it doesn't get in the way or anything. In contrast the Xbox One UI seems to be designed around the living room media box stuff, and it is $100 more expensive because of the Kinect, which I will never use, and other such things.

I think it's over-designed and more expensive for reasons, not weird irrational hatred of Netflix apps.
Both consoles are looking good.
Only that i don't want to buy a media center that includes a gaming console.
ahh, never mind. There are so many games for my old consoles that i can play that i'll wait till the price drops and more games i like available.
RighteousNixon: I have 2 XBox One's pre-ordered, along with 6 games (Assassins Creed IV, Forze 5, Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Need for Speed Rivals, and COD Ghosts). I will buy a PS4 around this time next year. Short of the WiiU, I will have access to any game that comes to market that I might be interested in.
Neobr10: I have pre-ordered the Xbox One as well along with Ryse and Dead Rising 3. I would pre-order COD Ghosts, but the XBox One version is not up for pre-orders here in Brazil for some reason. Still thinking about pre-ordering Forza 5. I'm not a huge fan of racing games, but i did enjoy Forza 2 a lot when i played it on the Xbox 360. From the reviews it looks like Forza 5 is the best launch title for the Xbox One right now.

I have a Wii U already because i'm a huge Nintendo fan. To be honest i'm far more excited about Super Mario 3D World than any of the PS4 or Xbox One launch titles. But that's just me.
RighteousNixon: In all honesty, I am not worried about hardware failures at all.
Neobr10: I'm not worried this time because i got the official brazilian Xbox One covered by warranty and everything. If i had to import it like in previous console launches i would be worried about it. It's pretty much impossible to return it for repairs if you import it (or the shipping fees might end up being more expensive than buying a new console). So yeah, it's a reason for concerns if you are importing.

RighteousNixon: Nope, just cant do it. Gotta have my consoles at launch. Just too much excitement to put it off.
Neobr10: I'm exactly like you. I get really excited when new consoles are released and always try to buy them at launch (or a few months after launch).
Yeah Forza 5 just looks insane and I am a HUGE fan of Top Gear so the fact that they are now a part of this series...well, for me it makes all the difference in the world. Things like being able to run the Top Gear test track are just really cool additions to the franchise.
RighteousNixon: Thats just it, its not just a machine you plug in and play games on anymore and that goes for the PS4 as well. Wether you like it or not, they are no longer just game machines. Personally, I will never understand why someone would want less features. Does having Netflix in any way impede the console's ability to play games? Does it impeded the game companies ability to create games? Of course not.
StingingVelvet: I think you're putting a lot of words in my mouth there.

The PS4 does have a tab for media services but it's easy to ignore if you want, and it doesn't get in the way or anything. In contrast the Xbox One UI seems to be designed around the living room media box stuff, and it is $100 more expensive because of the Kinect, which I will never use, and other such things.

I think it's over-designed and more expensive for reasons, not weird irrational hatred of Netflix apps.
The emphasis that the companies put on the media features is completely irrelevant. Either a console has those features or it doesn't. The PS4 isn't less of a media device because its media features are accessed by a tab instead of being right out in the open. That idea is pure nonsense. Your entitled to your subjective opinions regarding the setup of the overall dashboards but that set-up doesn't change the nature of these consoles. They are both multi-media gaming consoles and anyone suggesting otherwise is only fooling themselves.

Watching Movies and TV shows through companies like Amazon, Netflix and Hulu, check!
Being able to log on to social network sites like Facebook and Twitter, check!
Watching movies on Blu ray or DVD, check!
Music services for streaming music, check!
The use of apps to significant increase the consoles media capabilities (Crackle, Redbox, ePix, Vudu, etc. check!
Online store where one can buy movies, TV shows and games, Check!
Announcements by both companies that new social and media features will be available down the road, check!

MS and Sony cah change the dashboards until they are both blue in the face. It wont change the nature of these devices. They are, without question, multi-media gaming consoles. Dashboard design and tabs are completely irrelevant in regards to what features these consoles have. All the dashboard design does is dictate where someone accesses those features. If the PS4 has Netflix, Hulu and support, that doesn't change because Sony decided to stick those features behind some tab. Nope, the next gen consoles are as much media devices as they are gaming machines.

Hell, Sony bricked all the early Blu ray players so it could further its plan to make the PS3 the predominant Blu Ray machine on the market as not only would that give it a leg up on HD DVD, it would also help PS3 adoption, which was significantly behind the Xbox 360 at the time. I remember it VERY clearly as my $900 dollar Blu ray player was one of the casualties. Sony is just as focused on bringing more multi-media capability to its console as MS is and if you honestly believe its not going to continue to expand the PS4's media capabilities....well, anyone who thinks that way will be proven wrong soon enough.
Post edited November 20, 2013 by RighteousNixon
RighteousNixon: The emphasis that the companies put on the media features is completely irrelevant. Either a console has those features or it doesn't. The PS4 isn't less of a media device because its media features are accessed by a tab instead of being right out in the open. That idea is pure nonsense. Your entitled to your subjective opinions regarding the setup of the overall dashboards but that set-up doesn't change the nature of these consoles. They are both multi-media gaming consoles and anyone suggesting otherwise is only fooling themselves.
You really need to stop putting words in my mouth.

The PS4 is definitely a multimedia device. The difference is in emphasis and cost. I'm not paying extra for stuff I won't use with a PS4, and the interface is designed to get you into games quickly. This stuff has all been mentioned by the various write-ups on the new hardware, I'm not making it up.

I'll get an Xbone eventually and look forward to it, but for this month I had to make a decision and I decided on the cheaper, more powerful game console.