Galimatias: Get a PS3 Dual Shock 3 and google for motionjoy.
Perfect combo :P
wodmarach: Whenever I see people recommend PS pads I have to wonder..
Are your hands broken and like gnarled into claws or something? They are perhaps the worst designed and least comfortable controllers I know! the triggers are the wrong way round they should be scalloped not bowed! and don't get me started on the problem with the thumbstick positioning in modern gaming...
Sorry I know some people prefer them but I do kinda wonder if those people have never used an alternative pad...
I've found them to be somewhat comfortable, after I train myself not to hold them as intended. They're tiny enough that it's just about more comfortable for me to use the wrong thumb on the sticks, and ultimately I have to train myself to barely hold the thing at all. Which isn't good considering that the damned things vibrate, so I have to hold them securely enough for the damned thing not to fall out of my hand when I'm taking damage.
I realize that it's a trademarked design, but that design was never acceptable for adults. Kids with small hands it might work, but given whom it is that they're marketing these to, it blows my mind that they refuse to release a properly sized and proportioned controller.