Shalgroth: Bring the Bill of Rights. Our constitution sucks. No constitutional right to free speech? Seriously?
Aliasalpha: We shoudn't need one, its common sense and we should be better than needing to have that written down.
Yes, it is common sense. But how does that apply to politics? Especially ultra-conversative, sensationalist, crap. When people like Atkinson and Conroy are involved, it not only needs to be written down, but made into a flashing neon sign the size of the ACT.
Shalgroth: @Aliasalpha: He's a narcissist, has a persecution complex, and a likes to falsely accuse people of being criminals. He was born to be in politics. Or law. Or institutionalised.
Aliasalpha: Err are you talking about atkinson or JT?
Both. You're right, they're freakishly similar.