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Ian: oooh sacrifice :)

*Licurg dances around his keyboard*
HEY! How did you know that? Are you spying on me? :)
Ian: oooh sacrifice :)

*Licurg dances around his keyboard*
Licurg: HEY! How did you know that? Are you spying on me? :)
I do :P
Ian: oooh sacrifice :)

*Licurg dances around his keyboard*
Ian, how did you manage to change your username. Wasn't it Ia666n or something?
Ian: oooh sacrifice :)

*Licurg dances around his keyboard*
Dzsono: Ian, how did you manage to change your username. Wasn't it Ia666n or something?
If you contact support and request a name change they will do it for you. You just have to prove your identity by naming your last purchase contents, amount and last 4 digits of CC used.
EC-: last 4 digits of CC used.
I didn't think GOG stored CC information...
Ian: oooh sacrifice :)

*Licurg dances around his keyboard*
Dzsono: Ian, how did you manage to change your username. Wasn't it Ia666n or something?
Yes it was, EC- was right, I contacted support :)

adambiser - they don't keep full details, but as EC- said, I believe they keep the last 4 digits of each trnsaction, and whether or not it was a gift - that was the info I supplied.
EC-: last 4 digits of CC used.
adambiser: I didn't think GOG stored CC information...
They don't, but they do register the last 4 for verification purposes like any other store. I am sure you have seen it listed on statements and invoices from other sites like so:


The way in which you contact support could theoretically be circumvented around logging in, so it's a good security step for making any changes to your account (up to and including permanent deletion of your account and removing games).
If anyone wants a copy of Gemini Rue, you have to post a joke - ideally a 1 or 2 liner. I'll award the key to the best in 10 minutes (you have to redeem the key yourself, no trade ons.).
wpegg: If anyone wants a copy of Gemini Rue, you have to post a joke - ideally a 1 or 2 liner. I'll award the key to the best in 10 minutes (you have to redeem the key yourself, no trade ons.).
Not in then :(

Still, a joke wouldn't hurt:

Hans and Fritz are 2 east-german border guards. Hans, looking towards West Berlin, says:

-Hey Fritz, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
-Yes, Hans, I am.
-Well then, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to arrest you.
What Zelda said to Link when he couldn't get a boner? "Link, Triforce!"

Yeah.. :D
wpegg: If anyone wants a copy of Gemini Rue, you have to post a joke - ideally a 1 or 2 liner. I'll award the key to the best in 10 minutes (you have to redeem the key yourself, no trade ons.).
uff...I can't joke very well in english. But I still love you for your generosity <3
Wouldn't it be really funny if the only guys that post here do not want the key? ;)
[input joke here]

Okay it's not funny but in theory it's still a joke, right ?

Right ?
keeveek: What Zelda said to Link when he couldn't get a boner? "Link, Triforce!"

Yeah.. :D
Guess you win by default (I'm not counting LoopTronPoop's as a joke. Did you want the game, or were you just posting?
Nah just posting, I'm way too tired to make any kind of joke. I'm sorry. lol