Posted January 31, 2010

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden

Kai Grandmaster
Registered: Mar 2009
From United Kingdom

Registered: Sep 2008
From Japan
Posted January 31, 2010

But that is the clever psychology. Sell something for $5.99 and it's ok. Sell it for $20 and then do a time-limited offer at $5.99 and everyone'll jump all over it.
Reduce psychonauts from $9.99 to $2 and I bought it within 30 seconds. Sell it for $9.99 and do 30% off and the deal isn't half as appealing. (though still great of course. )
$5.99->$4.19 doesn't really make much of an impact (for me at least). $5.99 -> $2.99 or $3.99 might make more of an impact.
It's dumb I know.... ;-)

The Creeper
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010
As always a smart consumer will buy the lowest price - to highest value.
GOG provides more value than Steam does, with steam you might as well pirate the game, because all you get, is the game.
GOG provides more value than Steam does, with steam you might as well pirate the game, because all you get, is the game.

Be vigilant
Registered: Oct 2008
From Belgium
Posted January 31, 2010

GOG provides more value than Steam does, with steam you might as well pirate the game, because all you get, is the game.
Even less than that. Hexen II, Quake and Quake II had the audio tracks ripped. Doom I, II, Heretic, Hexen, etc. had their setup programs removed (yes, id Software really screwed up here) -- even if you ignore the lack of a manual or map or anything else that came with the original game, you're not even getting the full program it seems.

Were Sun
Registered: Aug 2009
From Canada
Posted January 31, 2010
Interesting how many people consider Steam and GOG to be competing. I don't think I can compare them at all. It's like comparing a fine yacht to an aircraft carrier.
I use Steam for their ridiculously good sales, and nothing else. I can totally live with "renting" the Sam and Max Games, seasons 1 and 2, for $10, even if it means I suddenly lose access a few years from now due to nuclear apocalypse. Or Rome Total War for $2. Just some of my recent examples. Do I need those games forever? Nah, I just want to try them.
I don't often buy new games anyway, I usually wait 1-2 years for my computer to catch up with the hardware requirements, which is about when the games start getting much cheaper.
I use Steam for their ridiculously good sales, and nothing else. I can totally live with "renting" the Sam and Max Games, seasons 1 and 2, for $10, even if it means I suddenly lose access a few years from now due to nuclear apocalypse. Or Rome Total War for $2. Just some of my recent examples. Do I need those games forever? Nah, I just want to try them.
I don't often buy new games anyway, I usually wait 1-2 years for my computer to catch up with the hardware requirements, which is about when the games start getting much cheaper.

Lux perpetua
Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
Posted January 31, 2010

Red Faction: Guerrilla for 5$ on US Direct2Drive (I'm from Europe, but it's available worldwide so why not to buy it from there...?) Also it uses GOO as DRM so after I entered my email it mysteriously appeared in my Impulse account ;) Torchlight is fun for a while and must buy for 5$, but sorry, it's repetitive and becomes boring. I guess Arcanum for 6$ beats it - it's more mature RPG.

In GOG we trust
Registered: Sep 2009
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010
Do we really need to have GOG vs Steam fights? It's bad enough that there's some much fanboyism over consoles, I don't think we need it over digital distribution sites too.
Post edited January 31, 2010 by jungletoad

Bak'laag Herald
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010

It's not as complicated as it looks. You can pick it up pretty quickly if you're looking over someone's shoulder (I know, easier said than done.)
Its cool to not like it though. Everyone has different taste.

New User
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010
To be honest I dont think Steam and GoG should be considered as competeing... to me Steam is better for more recent games and new games while GoG is pretty much the specialty shop for older games (most of which so far Steam doesnt carry)

Purple Dot Cultist
Registered: Oct 2008
From France
Posted January 31, 2010

Some people haven't figured that out yet. Give them some time.

New User
Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted January 31, 2010

LOL thats awesome!
Yeah I need to try it some more...but I have Mass Effect 2 sucking up my attention, and Sam and Max.

Registered: Jul 2009
From Canada

The Creeper
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States

Registered: Jul 2009
From Canada
Posted January 31, 2010
low rated
Steam has many issues, but for the average end-user, it's the best service currently active. Also, I do not considar Steam a DRM, except as it pertains to account blockings.
I am not telling you that you have to use Steam over GOG, you may use whichever service(s) you want. What I am telling you is that Steam is objectively the better service for 90% of people, and GOG does not have the other 10%.

Kinda speaks volumes.
As does this:
It's always good to have fans.
Banana, as it pertains to their practice of banning access to paid for games, I am completely agaisnt Steam. But, this position is one of philosophical objection, rather than practical, since I know that honest gamers will not have their accounts blocked.
My Steam ban is ancient, and was for saying the kinds of things that we talk about on here all the time. Also, I have had that ban reversed by support, under a different name, because they admitted they banned me in error.

GOG provides more value than Steam does, with steam you might as well pirate the game, because all you get, is the game.
And what does GOG give you? A few google-able wallpapers, or a soundtrack easily gotten off torrents?
Post edited January 31, 2010 by anjohl