I don't know how many folks here remember helping me with my very first build last year, but one of the issues I ran into was the Cooler Master 212 CPU cooler I got wouldn't fit on top of the CPU with the fan in front and blowing to the rear because the memory slots were too close. So, what I did was put the fan on the back, and had it "pull" air toward the back rather the blow it. And it's been fine and dandy. Haven't had a single heat issue yet.
However, I looked and found this same cooler was available for the new LGA 1150 so I purchased it, but now, looking at the motherboard I swear the EXACT SAME THING is going to happen here.
WTF? Do some motherboards place their memory slots a little different from the 115x boards or something (mine was an 1155 board, this one is an 1150)???
I can't believe this cooler would be so popular if this problem came up on every motherboard, so I'm guessing it must just be the newer 1155 and 1150??? And why would it say it's compatible with the 1150 yet it seems obvious to me that if I install it with the fan in front, blowing toward the back, that it's going to bump up against that memory slot, just like it did in mine. Do folks that use this cooler just go with two memory sticks??? I guess that's one option, but we've already ordered his memory and it's in four sticks.
But that cooler with the fan in front is not going to fit between the memory sticks and CPU with it located on the front and blowing to the back. I guess I'll have to do the same thing for his machine.
Just makes me wonder why this cooler is so popular.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099 ADDED IN EDIT: Well, now I'm not so sure. I just looked at it again and it looks like maybe it will fit, albeit barely. But it most certainly wouldn't in my motherboard. It wasn't even all that close, the fan simply wouldn't fit between the memory stick and cpu heatsink. But I may have jumped to conclusions on this board. I just looked again and now I'm thinking this one might work. It certainly has more room between them than my 1155 board.
Oh well, either way I suppose it will work ok. It has on mine so far.