Well, In keeping with the OP's original post:
I tried the Bioshock demo.
Didnt like it at all.
About 6 months later, someone brought it up on another forum as THE best game to come out in a long time.
I tried the demo again.
Still didnt like it much, but decided to get the game, since it was like (16? 19? $$$) cheap, and there werent any games I was even remotely interested in at the time.
Turns out, that the game really WAS the best game to come out in a long time.
I feel now that the demo did not go far enough. It didnt show the possibility of most of the plasmids ( the various uses of them).
It didnt show the diferent apsects of the game either.
And yes, I do base my decisions on demo's. But, I try not to try the demo's on my game machine (WAY too many bad experiences: When demo's go bad, part 1). I try them on a work computer (shhhhh) first, to see if it is even remotely worthy of trying out on my game machine.
I rarely ever buy a game that doesnt have a demo.