GameRager: 1. Walmart, while a store, is still a PUBLIC PLACE......this means anyone can take a picture of anyone else(barring if they're in the toilet or something) and do with it as they please.
2. People make fun of people......people also(in some countries) kill those they dislike or worse. Be glad in America all they usually do is mock you and either improve your hygiene or dress(It's called a thrift store.....they usually have cheap nice outfits ffs.) and stop whining.
3. U seem mad......
You are a fat ugly piece of shit who dresses like a hobo who enjoys getting buttfucked by rabid chimps with banana shaped dildos (& you know they say the clothes make the man).
Don't like that I'm mocking you? Chill out bro...Its okay because we are both American. At least I'm not killing you... or worse...
Don't feel very good now does it? Now imagane how the people are on that website must feel by being degraded just by there appearance. For all you know, some of the people on that filth hole (not as bad as 4chan... which I'm getting a feeling that some of you asswipes are card carrying members of) may be mentally handicapped & just not realize that the way they are dressed is not a society norm? How about the people who have no teeth that are made fun of.... maybe they were in a bad car accident. By your rather flawed logic, just because a person looks different than you then it is automatically okay to mock them because they should know better than to wear this or to take better care of there body (news flash genius.... not all poor people can afford to have running water either).
What gets me is people blame the government for the shape the world is in today, when they should be looking at themselves. If people would learn to love & accept one another for who they are instead of using there differences as a source of derision, then the world wouldn't be in the shape it is in the first place.