Sielle: Sir-Tech sold the rights to IPM in Japan a number of years ago.
Max_R: You're right
"After the original Sir-tech had closed its doors, Wizardry lives on. Or at least the rights do, now owned by an obscure company called IPM, Inc. in Japan."
Aeria IPM is the company whom bought the rights from Sir-Tech Canada.
Originally Sir-Tech (Non-Canada at the time) was sued by an individual named Andrew Greenberg (Wizard Werden, he alleged that he created the name, concept and plot for the game and was owed all royalties according to subsidiary contract...
Greenberg v. Sir-Tech Well, Sir-Tech closed and Sir-Tech Canada was still open and argued it didn't need to pay money for the contract due to it being in Canada.. Greenberg argued, "Hey, you sell games in the states..."
Aeria IPM came along and bought the rights for Sir-Tech and continue to make Wizardry games in Japan.
Aeria IPM Wizardry Site Funny thing is... Guess who owns Aeria IPM? Gamespot... Yup...
Aeria IPM Businessweek Profile So.. Getting the rights for the Wizardry series = the following:
1) Dealing with the Greenberg contract situation
2) Dealing with Aeria IPM
3) Dealing with Gamespot
Not as bad as the firesale that occurred for the rights of System Shock 2.. But still pretty interesting.