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Max_R: You're right
"After the original Sir-tech had closed its doors, Wizardry lives on. Or at least the rights do, now owned by an obscure company called IPM, Inc. in Japan."
arusaku: Aeria IPM is the company whom bought the rights from Sir-Tech Canada.

Originally Sir-Tech (Non-Canada at the time) was sued by an individual named Andrew Greenberg (Wizard Werden, he alleged that he created the name, concept and plot for the game and was owed all royalties according to subsidiary contract...

Greenberg v. Sir-Tech

Well, Sir-Tech closed and Sir-Tech Canada was still open and argued it didn't need to pay money for the contract due to it being in Canada.. Greenberg argued, "Hey, you sell games in the states..."

Aeria IPM came along and bought the rights for Sir-Tech and continue to make Wizardry games in Japan.

Aeria IPM Wizardry Site

Funny thing is... Guess who owns Aeria IPM? Gamespot... Yup...

Aeria IPM Businessweek Profile

So.. Getting the rights for the Wizardry series = the following:

1) Dealing with the Greenberg contract situation
2) Dealing with Aeria IPM
3) Dealing with Gamespot

Not as bad as the firesale that occurred for the rights of System Shock 2.. But still pretty interesting.
I gues i'll have to go look for a "new" hard copy somewhere , becase my CD's are no good...pff plastic ages...

Btw if Gamespot ownes the rights for the Wizardry IP why don't they deal with this Greenberg persone and bring us Wizardry 9 as well as Wizardry 8?(pff...i hope they dont make it into a FPS thow...., like syndicate :D~~~~,if it ever comes out)
Wizardry 9 for Facebook
Publisher: Gamestop
Developer: Zynga

You'll be able to purchase health potions from either Gamestop or Impulse, or you will gain an additional 10hp every 4 hours. BTW all healing spells have been removed from the game.
arusaku: Aeria IPM is the company whom bought the rights from Sir-Tech Canada.

Originally Sir-Tech (Non-Canada at the time) was sued by an individual named Andrew Greenberg (Wizard Werden, he alleged that he created the name, concept and plot for the game and was owed all royalties according to subsidiary contract...

Greenberg v. Sir-Tech

Well, Sir-Tech closed and Sir-Tech Canada was still open and argued it didn't need to pay money for the contract due to it being in Canada.. Greenberg argued, "Hey, you sell games in the states..."

Aeria IPM came along and bought the rights for Sir-Tech and continue to make Wizardry games in Japan.

Aeria IPM Wizardry Site

Funny thing is... Guess who owns Aeria IPM? Gamespot... Yup...

Aeria IPM Businessweek Profile

So.. Getting the rights for the Wizardry series = the following:

1) Dealing with the Greenberg contract situation
2) Dealing with Aeria IPM
3) Dealing with Gamespot

Not as bad as the firesale that occurred for the rights of System Shock 2.. But still pretty interesting.
Screamshield: I gues i'll have to go look for a "new" hard copy somewhere , becase my CD's are no good...pff plastic ages...

Btw if Gamespot ownes the rights for the Wizardry IP why don't they deal with this Greenberg persone and bring us Wizardry 9 as well as Wizardry 8?(pff...i hope they dont make it into a FPS thow...., like syndicate :D~~~~,if it ever comes out)
Well, Gamespot I should say is the primary shareholder of IPM inc. (Aeria IPM) and right now there have been several Wizardry games.. Even talks of a Wizardry MMO.. Problem is... Japan and Asia only.

Wizardry is huge in Japan and the Wizardry games in Japan are.. definitely not like the Wizardry games here. They have made them more... JRPG in some instances. Yet, most of them kept some of the Wizardry elements. There have been 20 Wizardry spin-off games in Japan.

Here is a sample:

Wizardry for PS2

Atlus has produced some of the games, yet the rights are owned by Aeria IPM.

And actually I checked, I believe (could be wrong) but the issue with Greenberg was settled due to the acquisition of Wizardry by Aeria IPM.

So, honestly I couldn't tell you why they haven't brought the series over here other then they seem to be comfortable making good money in Japan.
arusaku: total snap
I think I played wizardry 8 in ps2 then, seems the same and I'm sure it was some wizardry. Good game, too much dungeon.. *starts up Stonekeep*

Edit: Walls are so brown, my god it's horrible, no wait.. I can throw rocks at rats, it's not bad at all..

E2: that was stonekeep. My first sentences in that game. Wizardry. Awesome.
Post edited September 29, 2011 by Antimateria
arusaku: Well, Gamespot I should say is the primary shareholder of IPM inc. (Aeria IPM) and right now there have been several Wizardry games.. Even talks of a Wizardry MMO.. Problem is... Japan and Asia only.

Wizardry is huge in Japan and the Wizardry games in Japan are.. definitely not like the Wizardry games here. They have made them more... JRPG in some instances. Yet, most of them kept some of the Wizardry elements. There have been 20 Wizardry spin-off games in Japan.

Here is a sample:

Wizardry for PS2

Atlus has produced some of the games, yet the rights are owned by Aeria IPM.

And actually I checked, I believe (could be wrong) but the issue with Greenberg was settled due to the acquisition of Wizardry by Aeria IPM.

So, honestly I couldn't tell you why they haven't brought the series over here other then they seem to be comfortable making good money in Japan.
Well, I may be a little too...conservative.... but this is not Wizardry...this looks and sounds like some FF game...especialy the soundtrack and the UI(and those enemies ewww) wonder they keep this mainly for the Japan market...listen to this and compare...

main menu theme:

underground theme:

combat themes:

T'rang theme:

...and heres some dude playing the game :D
Screamshield: ...and heres some dude playing the game :D
Sometimes those just puts a smile on the face or I'm just tired. What I look that gameplay... I guess I played seven or something..

Also.. Ninja and killer crab
Navagon: Oh well, that's that then. You'd be forgiven for thinking that the Japanese even use PS3s as work PCs, given how alienated the PC is over there.
Is that really so? While the PC market is different in Japan, my understanding was that they are still using them extensively for running rape simulators and other obscure stuff, and they release lots of Japanese PC games that are never released outside Japan.

But I'm mainly guessing...
I dont get the love for Wiz 8, I tried twice to play it and it was as hard as nails, I found it a terrible slog of quicksave/fightquicksave/fight, I just had to give it up.

I still have it, maybe I should give it another go with a better party composition, I thought the idea was cool, using a FP view and the attacks coming out on each side of the screen, but the combat was bloody trying.
F1ach: I dont get the love for Wiz 8, I tried twice to play it and it was as hard as nails, I found it a terrible slog of quicksave/fightquicksave/fight, I just had to give it up.

I still have it, maybe I should give it another go with a better party composition, I thought the idea was cool, using a FP view and the attacks coming out on each side of the screen, but the combat was bloody trying.
Yeah... I gave up on Wiz8 two or thee times due to that. You really have to think about party composition and every battle in advance, move with your collective ass to the wall, sleep in corners, fight in doorways, get your dragon and the bard delivering mass death, actively use debuffs and crowd control spells, practice magic with your Bishop during and after every fight... Teaches you discipline that game. And winning even with half of the party knocked out is immensely satisfying.
F1ach: I dont get the love for Wiz 8, I tried twice to play it and it was as hard as nails, I found it a terrible slog of quicksave/fightquicksave/fight, I just had to give it up.

I still have it, maybe I should give it another go with a better party composition, I thought the idea was cool, using a FP view and the attacks coming out on each side of the screen, but the combat was bloody trying.
grviper: Yeah... I gave up on Wiz8 two or thee times due to that. You really have to think about party composition and every battle in advance, move with your collective ass to the wall, sleep in corners, fight in doorways, get your dragon and the bard delivering mass death, actively use debuffs and crowd control spells, practice magic with your Bishop during and after every fight... Teaches you discipline that game. And winning even with half of the party knocked out is immensely satisfying.
Yes, at times it felt counter-intuitive with regard to classes and composition, some classes that I thought would be great, just plain sucked in-game compared to their D&D counterparts, I think at the time I just couldnt be bothered to experiment with different parties to "get it just right".

Are there any patches I should be aware of, I have a retail box version?
Navagon: Oh well, that's that then. You'd be forgiven for thinking that the Japanese even use PS3s as work PCs, given how alienated the PC is over there.
timppu: Is that really so? While the PC market is different in Japan, my understanding was that they are still using them extensively for running rape simulators and other obscure stuff, and they release lots of Japanese PC games that are never released outside Japan.

But I'm mainly guessing...
No, that's not really true. PCs are often used in japan for work or web browsing. But gaming outside of Falcom titles or indie games the japanese PC gaming market is dominated by porn.

and recently, Falcom (maker of the Ys and Legend of heroes series) basically said that the PC market isn't profitable enough for them, which is slightly saddening.

But on wizardry again, the JP versions of the series are interesting because when they were localized to japan in the 80s they removed most of the silliness and humour. So the japanese take the series as a very serious one. Very influential in japan, with games like the Megaten series and etrian oddessy still borrowing things from them, you never see the first person dungeon crawl by western developers anymore, but in japan while it's not huge, it's certainly not as damning as it would be here.
I would love to see Wizardry8 and DW Bradley's Wizards and Warriors (rpg released in 2000).
Heretic777: DW Bradley's Wizards and Warriors (rpg released in 2000).
Spellcasting Elephants - The Game.
I loved Wizardry 8 (and, well, every Wizardry since 1 that I played clear back when I got my Apple ][e clone). Both my wife and I played it through very quickly when it came out, and between us, we found several show-stopper bugs. When we e-mailed the bugs in, Linda Currie got back to us really quick and we were able to provide save-games and detailed instructions on how to reproduce the issues. Quite a few of the major patch bug-fixes were bugs I'd reported and given save games on.

This thread actually has me jonesing about going back and playing it again (assuming I can find the patches). I'd totally buy a digital version, though, so that I don't have to dig through my boxes of old games looking for it.

I have to say, that particular genre (1st person party dungeon crawl) is one of my all-time favorites. I have a hard time saying which type I prefer, though - fluid movement (Wizardry 6-8, M&M 6-8 (9 was unplayable for me)) or block movement (Wizardry 1-5, Bard's Tale, EotB, etc.). Regardless, I am happy to have an auto-mapper nowadays, although I still have the maps and notes I made as a young child for Wizardry 1, Bard's Tale, etc.
arusaku: Funny thing is... Guess who owns Aeria IPM? Gamespot... Yup...
It's Gamepot, not Gamespot, which makes it even funnier. Judging by the name of that company it probably does not have representation in the US.