trusteft: Are you 5 or a communist? He runs a company not boy scouts. Thousands of people earn their living out of Activision. Just because he mentioned things that are common sense you hate Activision.
It's not common sense to hate your own customers with a passion. To want to give them substandard products for inflated prices and zero after sales support. Kotick is following the Trip Hawkins ideal for making games. Get them working and ship them out. Doesn't matter what shape the game is in just get it out there and on sale preferably with a recognised actor on the cover. And like Trip, Kotick thinks the schmucks will keep buying ini huge amounts no matter what happens because they are Activision.
The trouble with that is it only works in the short term, eventually customers get fed up with the poor quality, the high prices and the attitude. Eventually Activision will become associated with poor quality products and like others in the past like Atari (abusing customers), Nintendo (price fixing), Sega (poor quality) and 3D0 (everything) they will fall and fall hard. I await that day so I can take my turn in pissing on Mr Kotick as he is pissing on us right now.