Foxhack: had I known that I would've gotten Win 7 Pro instead of Home Premium.
Stuff: In order to get the hardware combo (i7 CPU, RAM, HD size) I had to purchase a laptop with Home Primium or order one. Seems the manufacturers try to keep the purchasing cost low by offering the better hardware with the Home Premium version of windows. (at the time anyway)
I simply used the "Anytime Upgrade" option to upgrade my OS to the Pro version. Costs $79 to do so as you only need to key since all versions of Win 7 are already installed on your Win 7 computer. You can upgrade using the supplied option (should be an Anytime Icon somewhere) or buy the key from any retailer such as BestBuy , Tiger or
Amazon etc. etc.
Short story, BestBuy insisted there was no such thing when my brother upgraded, tried repeatedly to sell him the
$160 upgrade version (for upgrading XP/Vista systems) rather than the key version for Win 7 systems. I still prefer buying the upgrade from BestBuy or other local retailer (same price everywhere) since dealing with M$ is like swimming in molasses.
Downside is it locks the OS to that computer so I wouldn't take this route if you bought a full version of Windows Home Premium since the full version can be moved to another computer (if it didn't come with the system or isn't the OEM version). It's been a year or more since I upgraded so things could have changed. Do some research before spending the cash but . . . $79 wasn't too bad for the upgrade IMHO . . . =)
Edit: I also deleted the "Trial" version of Office 2007 since, if activated, it is locked to that computer. Buying the disk, for the same price, allowed me to install O2k7 on two computers. MS sucks when it comes to revealing the pros and cons of certain software offerings. Here again, it may have changed since I purchased my laptop but . . . something to research before you give them your hard earned cash.
If you do upgrade to Windows Pro, go
here to download Windows XP mode. TBH, the only use I have found is to run my old 1998 version of my financial software . . . ; p
I paid $79 for my Home Premium upgrade (to upgrade from XP), Pro would've cost me $10 or $20 more.
Also if the crappy version of Wordpad included on Home Premium is any indication, I'll just stick to Office 2003 forever.