SirPrimalform: In fact, there seems to be a bit of a history of alternation between good and bad Windows versions.
So like Star Trek movies then? ;-)
I'm going to remain sceptical for now. The continued focus on Metro does bother me somewhat, especially as Win8's implementation broke the installation of program shortcuts for just about every legacy program out there.
I've not used Win8.1 yet, but Win8 was genuinely a horrible experience that I would not care to repeat again. It will never find its way onto my own PCs. Having to install third-party hacks just to make the OS half-way usable is not my definition of acceptable.
It all depends on how Microsoft approaches the Metro problem. Metro is itself an attractive interface, but it is also highly impractical outside of a tablet environment. Hopefully MS will see sense and enable users to choose from a streamlined Start Menu à la Win7 and the Metro interface (a feature that would be especially useful for convertible hybrid tablet/laptops like the Surface Pro), but given how aggressively they're pushing Metro, I wouldn't bet on it.
Also, the faked speedy shutdown/startup thing, whereby Windows would simply use ACPI Suspend, was appallingly bad. I've had numerous occasions where the PC would simply freeze upon resume (in fairness, Ubuntu and Windows 7 don't do suspend/resume very well either, which is why most people simply don't use it).
Ironically, it was actually the removal of a feature - that of the resource-consuming and utterly useless Aero interface - that proved to be Win8's greatest asset, but the speed difference really wasn't noticeable enough to warrant the upgrade or put up with the other inadequacies.