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wodmarach: ms don't have a tablet monopoly!
timppu: Neither do they have desktop monopoly, or otherwise there would be no PCs running Linux, or desktop/laptop Macs either.
Actually they legally have a de-facto monopoly and aslong as they have over 50% of the market they will continue to.

And yes those " old "MS has a computer monopoly!"" are STILL ACCURATE! When MS was declared an illegal monopoly they had ~80-90% market share... now they have.... ~80-90% (claims vary depending on who you talk to) market share! sure linux and OSX have grown but BSD, UNIX IV, Amiga OS and BeOS have all but died both have grown into the space left by rivals.

Sure the walled garden is lucretive but BEING ALLOWED TO USE IT is a requirement AND MS WON'T BE! When MS announced defender as part of Win8 they had to get PERMISSION to make it part of the OS! Think about that MS has to go ASK before they are allowed to add things people have been demanding for years! It's only been 18 months since MS stopped having to hand the DOJ copies of each milestone for verification!

People say MS hasn't been innovative for a decade... well guess what for the last decade they've had to OK EVERYTHING with the DOJ! The week after the DOJ oversight stopped MS jumped to the second highest OSS contributer... think about that in 1 week they released more interoperability code and fixes for the linux kernal that people like red hat and canonical!

People talk about "post-PC"computing every 5-10 years it's a cliche like "The year of Linux on the desktop". Sure we have tablets and smart phones and they're ok for quick things like browsing the internet etc but for serious office work and gaming they won't replace the PC for MANY years. When the original palm pilot was released people said the same crap "the PC will soon be dead blah blah blah".

There won't be a walled garden in win9 for x86/AMD64 MS is STILL a monopoly and still being treated like one.
Went to download LoG, and stumbled on this thread. Nice to see that the forums are fun as ever. :)

Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Add Windows Features -> Check .NET 3.5.

Have fun.

@GOG, don't insist on getting left behind. Update your Downloader to work with .NET 4.5 by default, and fall back to 4.0 when the user is using XP.

Yey for using a version that was released 5+ years ago. /s
timppu: They already have, as I see e.g. ASUS selling Windows RT devices here that can obtain software only from the preinstalled store(s).
I honestly expect MS to open up the ARM version once they have a release or two out. Other than stability issues, as the current version has been out not long, (well and a proper compiler but that shouldn't be hard to take care of), no technical issues should be stopping developers from developing ARM applications using non-Windows Runtime APIs.
wodmarach: Actually they legally have a de-facto monopoly and aslong as they have over 50% of the market they will continue to.

And yes those " old "MS has a computer monopoly!"" are STILL ACCURATE! When MS was declared an illegal monopoly they had ~80-90% market share... now they have.... ~80-90% (claims vary depending on who you talk to) market share! sure linux and OSX have grown but BSD, UNIX IV, Amiga OS and BeOS have all but died both have grown into the space left by rivals.
1) It's not a monopoly, it's a dominant position.
2) It's not a "de facto" dominant position, rather there is a rebuttable presumption of dominance.
3) There is no such thing as an illegal monopoly, it's called an abuse of dominant position.
FraterPerdurabo: 3) There is no such thing as an illegal monopoly, it's called an abuse of dominant position.
If you bought a pirate version of monopoly, it would be an illegal monopoly.... :D
FraterPerdurabo: 3) There is no such thing as an illegal monopoly, it's called an abuse of dominant position.
gameon: If you bought a pirate version of monopoly, it would be an illegal monopoly.... :D
No but if you went into a store and bought every copy of Monopoly they had then it would in fact be a Monopoly Monopoly.
wodmarach: Actually they legally have a de-facto monopoly and aslong as they have over 50% of the market they will continue to.

And yes those " old "MS has a computer monopoly!"" are STILL ACCURATE! When MS was declared an illegal monopoly they had ~80-90% market share... now they have.... ~80-90% (claims vary depending on who you talk to) market share! sure linux and OSX have grown but BSD, UNIX IV, Amiga OS and BeOS have all but died both have grown into the space left by rivals.
FraterPerdurabo: 1) It's not a monopoly, it's a dominant position.
2) It's not a "de facto" dominant position, rather there is a rebuttable presumption of dominance.
3) There is no such thing as an illegal monopoly, it's called an abuse of dominant position.
1) Judge Jackson issued his findings of fact on November 5, 1999, which stated that Microsoft's dominance of the x86 based personal computer operating systems market constituted a monopoly, and that Microsoft had taken actions to crush threats to that monopoly, including Apple, Java, Netscape, Lotus Notes, RealNetworks, Linux, and others.
2)is therefore irrelivent
3)There IS such a thing btw under US law at least. The NFL and MANY other companies have been found to be "illegal monopolies" they had various penalties placed upon them for it.

Thanks for playing though.
Post edited February 06, 2013 by wodmarach
Evidently gameon and myself are the only ones taking this thread seriously.
tinyE: Evidently gameon and myself are the only ones taking this thread seriously.
Monopoly is serious business. Most franchises have a monopoly board these days. I wouldn't put it past Microsoft that they have their own version, lol.
tinyE: Evidently gameon and myself are the only ones taking this thread seriously.
gameon: Monopoly is serious business. Most franchises have a monopoly board these days. I wouldn't put it past Microsoft that they have their own version, lol.
They just changed game pieces. It's being discused (spell) in another thread.
gameon: Monopoly is serious business. Most franchises have a monopoly board these days. I wouldn't put it past Microsoft that they have their own version, lol.
tinyE: They just changed game pieces. It's being discused (spell) in another thread.
I made this when Miaghstir did his picture pong competition: