Tim414: I searched, but could not find an answer. Perhaps someone can point me toward the right thread if it already exists. Anyway, I am currently building a new PC. I am trying to decide if I should use Windows 7 or Windows 8 as the OS. Does anyone know if the GOG games currently running on Windows 7 will run as well on Windows 8? I
If you get the Windows with your machine, I think you'll be eligible to a 14.99€ ($14.99?) upgrade to Win8 Pro, if you get Win7 with your machine now.
I got my new laptop in August, and yesterday I registered to that upgrade program, so in a week or so I should get another email how to purchase and obtain Win8 Pro for 14.99€. That way, for extra $14.99, you'd have the option to choose either one any time you want (or even use both side by side? Not sure if that is possible with this upgrade version.)
Even though I'm not in any kind of hurry to replace Win7 with it (possibly never on this PC, unless I get a good reason to upgrade to it), it sound so cheap for the Win8 Pro version that why the heck not. The price of 1-3 GOG games, and I think I have almost enough GOG games already. :)