MaceyNeil: The position of certain games has been moved.
Iron Storm has Jagged Alliance 2 in it's place
Jagged Alliance 2 has Master of Orion 1+2 in it's place
Master Of Orion 1+2 has Heroes of Might and Magic 2 in it's place.
Oddworld Abes Exoddus has phantasmagoria 2 in it's place.
Phantasmagoria has the nations gold edition in it's place.
The Nations Gold Edition has Unreal Tournament 2004 in it's place.
Unreal 2 has Oddworl: Abes Exoddus in it's place.
Lastly Unreal Tournament 2004 has Unreal 2 in it's place.
These changes are done in 3 types of pairing dual $5.99 games, combined $5.99 + $9.99 games and lastly dual $9.99 game.
These base pairings derived from the first mix contests being as follows...
For dual $5.99 games phantasmagoria, Oddworld Abes Exodus & Jagged Alliance 2.
For Combined $5.99 + $9.99 games unreal 2, the nations gold edition, master of orion 1+2 and iron storm.
Lastly for Dual $9.99 games there was only Unreal Tournament 2004.
Therefore by comparisson just over a third of the games were rearanged into 3 offset groups based on price, with the singular most unique pairing deriving from Unreal Tournament 2004.