MobiusArcher: He is referring to the the Genre Tag. see the attached picture.
Third Person Perspective?
TPP Thermal Power Plant
TPP Tangible Personal Property (taxation)
TPP Therapeutic Products Programme (Health Canada)
TPP Third-Party Processor
TPP Text Presentation Program
TPP Technology and Policy Program (MIT graduate program)
TPP Trading Partner Profile
TPP Target Product Profile (US regulatory drug development)
TPP Technical Project Planning (US Army Corps of Engineers)
TPP Trans-Proteomic Pipeline
TPP Third-Party Payor
TPP Terminal Procedures Publications
TPP Tetraphenylphosphonium Bromide
TPP Technical Performance Plan
TPP Technology & Policy Program (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
TPP Tarapoto, Peru - Tarapoto (Airport Code)
TPP Tool Portability Profile
TPP Total Package Procurement
TPP Tiamina Pirofosfato (Italian)
TPP Theoretical Particle Physics
TPP Tip Path Plane
TPP Tangential Proper Part of (spatial reasoning)
TPP Tri-Phenyl Phosphate
TPP Trafic de Perfectionnement Passif (textile and clothing quotas)
TPP Trionix Program Package (software)
TPP Training Project Plan (US Navy task based curriculum development)
TPP The Phat Phree (website)
TPP Technology Protection Plan
TPP Technological Products and Processes
TPP Teacher Professional Partnership
TPP Test Plan and Procedures
TPP Trusteed Pension Plan
TPP Technology Program Plan
TPP Technical Partner Programme
TPP Telecommunications Program Plan
TPP Third Party Producer (gaming)
TPP Teach Pendant Program
TPP Tape Preparation Program
TPP Transuranium Processing Plant
TPP Top Program Problem
TPP TRADOC Priorities Program (US Army)
TPP Totally Parallel Prefix (hardware architecture)
TPP Thyroid Periodic Paralysis (rare medical condition)
TPP Technical Plan Proposal
TPP Transfer Parent Process
TPP Third Party Protocol
TPP Thermal Protective Performance
TPP Tested Proof Pressure
TPP Telemetry Preprocessor
TPP Third Party Products
TPP Touch Panel Pen
TPP Texel per Pixel
TPP Twips per Pixel
TPP The Pretty Ponies (indie video production company)
TPP Third Party Provider
TPP Test Participation Plan
Rehevkor: tpp = third person perspective.
And yes, I'm looking forward to trying this one too.
Aww. Beat me to it :p