doady: I think you're confusing Nintendo with Sony and the propietary memory cards of Vita.
No, I'm pretty sure I have Nintendo pegged with their stupid assed proprietary disks. Yep, the Wii U will have a proprietary one too.
doady: Seriously? What does the DS have to do with GBA/GC connectivity?
The DS could do it too, supposedly, I've never seen anyone actually hook one up this way though.
doady: Yeah because all Zelda games require Motion Control Plus, and have no exploration and secrets. Obviously, Skyward Sword is just the same old- same old, as were games like Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, etc.. All the same, no difference.
Maybe you should judge games by actually playing them, instead of relying on reviewers who criticize Skyward Sword for its poor IR controls (hint: Skyward Sword doesn't use IR).
Oh wow, Motion Control Plus, sorry, you'd bash a MS game for just bringing motion controls to the table and nothing else (or at least I hope you would) and Nintendo doesn't get a pass here either. Look man I was tired of playing the Ocarina of Time over and over again long ago and apparently Skyward Sword manages to drop some of the good features of that. Whatever, I haven't played it, just saying all the Zelda worship might be a tad fanboyish, Wind Waker was the only creative Zelda in awhile and a lot of fans hated it (which should say something about Zelda fans... or me... or both).
doady: Seriously, you've lost me here. What are you talking about?
Figure out what your price will be for a Wii U out the door, with all the extra shit Nintendo manages to tack on as semi necessary but not part of the base price. Then figure there'll be more balance boards, gimicky steering wheels, and whatever the hell (don't they have an actual Wii Fit exercise bike now? wtf?!). It'll be a mint. And they're trying to charge that with a console that isn't going to really outclass our existing XBox 360s and PS3s by much.
doady: So you're already pre-emptively blaming Nintendo for future bad third-party games? Nintendo is not responsible for shitty third-party games, either in the past or the future. Third party games are usually made by companies other than Nintendo
Yes, who else would you blame for this? They don't treat 3rd party devs well, they charge them more (reportedly), and clearly there's a way to court quality 3rd party titles. They even do it for DS. But as for N64 and Wii they couldn't be arsed to do that I guess (the Gamecube actually had some pretty decent 3rd party stuff, though they were multiplatform releases a lot of the time). They show little interest in trying to get 3rd party developers on board. EA is making games for Windows Phone 7, it's not like developers can't be made to be interested in even rather odd platforms.
doady: How? Nintendo consoles are the cheapest in the market since the GC. Thats actually the main reason, in my opinion, that they sold so many Wiis at first. The Xbox 360 and PS3 were way more expensive.
They were never all that cheap when you considered all the really pricey peripherals you tended to need to buy. The plastic Wii-mote mounts pretty much sum this up, but think really expensive memory cards and controllers from before. RAM expansions, you name it. Charging stations for your Wii Motes... You can bet whatever the price is that you'll spend 50% of it again within the first 2 months just on "stuff" (not counting games). All their proprietary bullshit, such as the not-quite-a-dvd-drive in the Wii, is also pretty expensive to warranty. I paid $75 to have one Wii dvd drive fixed. That was with the warranty.