orcishgamer: It was optional precisely because it was a failure. If you wander into houses in every Pokemon game made for the DS and click on things it'll say "It's a Nintendo Gamecube with a Gameboy hooked up as a controller" or similar. They seriously wanted this to be big and despite the wild success of the actual DS it was a complete failure (perhaps if every DS came with the cable it might have had a chance).
Seriously? What does the DS have to do with GBA/GC connectivity?
I know Nintendo wants you to live in their own little walled garden (just like Apple in fact) but they haven't presented a very compelling case for investing in all things Nintendo.
I think you're confusing Nintendo with Sony and the propietary memory cards of Vita.
Frankly all the reviewers I actually trust said Skyward Sword was pretty lackluster for a Zelda title; and I'll be honest I'm pretty tired of playing the same damned Zelda game over and over again;
Yeah because all Zelda games require Motion Control Plus, and have no exploration and secrets. Obviously, Skyward Sword is just the same old- same old, as were games like Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, etc.. All the same, no difference.
Maybe you should judge games by actually playing them, instead of relying on reviewers who criticize Skyward Sword for its poor IR controls (hint: Skyward Sword doesn't use IR).
and the only inventive Mario game in years was Super Mario Galaxy (no, Paper Mario doesn't count).
Paper Mario is RPG. So of course it doesn't count.
In the past the 20 years, there have only been seven Mario platformers made, so saying Mario Galaxy was "the only inventive Mario game in years" doesn't mean much, and one inventive game is still more than vast majority of game series can muster.
I must say it is pretty funny somone criticize the Mario series for not being "inventive" enough, of all things. Not an accusation one hears often, to say the least.
AND THEY CHARGE A LOT, seriously, the pricing is insane. No, I'm not giving a pass to the similarly asinine Vita pricing, but we're not talking about Sony here.
Seriously, you've lost me here. What are you talking about?
Frankly, there still isn't a game that would make me buy a 3DS, but at least Nintendo kind of gets the handheld thing right (and they seem to support 3rd party devs properly for it). As others have pointed out, the living room consoles are going to be first party titles only.
So you're already pre-emptively blaming Nintendo for future bad third-party games? Nintendo is not responsible for shitty third-party games, either in the past or the future. Third party games are usually made by companies other than Nintendo
So as someone who's waiting for next gen do I want Nintendo's Wii U? No, seriously not unless they get some really amazing games on it, in which case I'll pick one up well after launch.
There is hardly any info out on Wii U, so to already declare you will not buy one says a lot, as does your lengthy, incoherent rant about all things Nintendo inspired by my two line explanation about the differences between GC/GBA connectivity and Wii U.