Wishbone: Also, higher resolutions won't necessarily make 3D games look better, sometimes the opposite. Older 3D games used much fewer polygons in their models than modern games do. A model that looked fine in 800x600 on a CRT monitor will almost certainly look like crap rendered in crisp 1920x1080 on a high quality LCD display.
And even if 3D models don't get pixellated when they are scaled up, the textures they use, do. Which looks even more out of place in high resolutions.
Sorry but no, really.
3d games of the hardware accelerated era ( 1995-1996 > ) always had crazy high resolutions. Quake 1 (1996) always supported very high resolutions. And higher resolution in 3d doesn't mean "more blurry textures" It just means less visible aliasing and less wobbly polygons. Texture resolution is not related to your screen resolution in any way.
Also keep in mind that old monitors used native resolutions of 800x600, 1024x768 and so on. New monitors downscale the image at that resolutions, and you end up with a blurry image that looks way worse than it did on an older monitor.
When choosing a resolution is always good to keep it multiple of 2 compared to your monitor standard resolution, this way if you want to play a game at a lower resolution at least you will have a block of 4 real monitor pixels for any pixel in the game (x2) or a block of 6 (x3). If you choose any resolution between those you'll end up with blurry pixels, same thing if the aspect ratio is different.
cogadh: Trust me, its not the video card. I've spent enough time messing with both the monitor and the graphics card to be 110% sure of that. My monitor does its own built-in scaling and it cannot be disabled. For example, if I enable fixed aspect ratio scaling on the video card and set a game to run at 1024X768, the monitor ignores the video card's scaling and scales the image up to 1680X1050 on its own, complete with horizontal stretching and the "muddying" of the image. The only way to get fixed aspect ratio scaling to work is to create
It's because a game pixel is not equal to one screen pixel, or a block of 4 (2x2), or a block of 6 (3x3) and so on.
It's not something you can disable, is simple math. If you want to put an image that's big 800x600 on a monitor that has 1980x1024 lights you can't do that without interpolating the color, as a single pixel will be bigger than 2x2 but smaller than 3x3.
Even worse if also the aspect ratio is different, because you'll get an additional horizontal only blurring due to the image interpolation, as the resulting pixel is not square