I'm sometimes a bit irritated that so many games _have to_ have adult content, I mean stuff you wouldn't want to show to your wife for example, or kids who normally like Minecraft.
There's a fine line with that. My gf was excited to see me playing e.g. Far Cry, the cat and mouse games with enemies seemed like some exciting action movie to her.
But Far Cry 2 caused a bit of "ewww!"-reaction in her, when she saw me shooting an enemy who was already down and crying in agony, but still trying to reach for his handgun to get some shots at me. It was either him or me, baby. It is more profound in games that in movies, because in games I'm the one doing the deed.
On the other hand, I find that kind of realism kind of cool, and I would probably miss it if it wasn't there. Games like this teach you that video game violence is not a laughing matter! That enemy you just shot down was someone's son and/or father, in the game that is.
But I am still pretty sure I don't want my gf want to see me playing e.g. Witcher 2, or some of the God of War games, if they have gratuitous (interactive?) sex scenes. It is almost like cheating her! Then again, I'm not sure if I want to switch such scenes off either. Oh, a dilemma...
Post edited January 31, 2013 by timppu