TheCheese33: With GOG grabbing every awesome old game, I imagine all of our trashcans will be littered with things like this. My ultimate goal is to have everything I own stored on the cloud. I almost have all my movies ripped to my hard drive, and the only games that I buy physical copies of are console games.
I hope that the next Xbox has no disc drive. Instead, we will transfer all of our games onto their mainframe, and we will have hard drives that are 1 TB or larger. That would be Gaming Mecca for me. No more GameStop, no more mail delivery, no more middle-man. Just give me my games and let them last for eternity. I will pass my account onto my grandkids, and they will be able to experience all the joy, wonder, and excitement I had when I played Mass Effect. They will revel in the battles on Sera and New Mombasa. They will thrill as they take down the colossal monster in Oblivion.
In fact, one day I hope Sony and Microsoft form a union and it all forms into one magical box of entertainment. Every episode of Dexter, 30 Rock, LOST, every second of The Godfather, Indiana Jones, Pulp Fiction, all ready to be gobbled up and consumed the way mass media was meant to be consumed. I want consumers to have the biggest archive on the face of the Earth, with every book, TV show, movie, game, news report, blog post, joke, etc., organized into neat little bundles. I want people to have better options staring them in the face so they stop watching that Charlie Sheen trainwreck Two and a Half Men (How the hell is it watched so much?).
Then we can burn all our physical media and live a life of simplicity and excess. Having nothing while having everything. True nirvana.
*Raises glass* Genius. Pure genius.