Ebany: ...... without knowing some important facts.
1.) Steam is not a religion, even if it's Fan-Boys hear the voice of Gabe .... ah, God.
2.) Steam support is only slightly better than EA's ........ in fact it could even be worse.
3.) Steam has recently (just before this big Xmas sale) disabled regional game activation, no more cheap Russian games :(
4.) Steam prices are inflated, never purchase from Steam if the game can be bought elsewhere ...... unless your 7 types of special and collect those virtual badges like a Bower Bird collects blue pegs.
5.) Avoiding game download/install by using Idle Master to get Steam Trading Cards is not cheating, it's optimisation of time by removing economical inefficiencies.
6.) NEVER use the Steam client to purchase games, only for account changes (wallet deposits, etc).
7.) NEVER purchase a game without using Firefox or Chrome & the Enhanced Steam add-on. This add-on provides additional information (e.g. Historical low prices, current low prices, links to those low prices, people in game, etc) inserted into the pages been loaded, seriously, you'd be 7 types of retard not to use this add-on.
8.) Always keep a copy of your receipt, always.
9.) Keep a back-up spreadsheet of your CD-Keys as some can be used on multiple clients. e.g. Crysis 2 CD-Keys from Steam can be activated on Origin, etc.
10.) Steam is a law unto themselves since (until recently) they've never faced prosecution for disregarding consumer rights. e.g. Recently the Government consumer body in my country is initiating court proceedings against Steam for it's failure to provide Aussies with Refunds.
11.) Always purchase wallet funds through a 3rd party, e.g. EB Games.
12.) Never use any CC other than a Prepaid with capacity for multiple currencies and $0 exchange rate fees.
Obey these 12 commandments and you will always remain content when dealing with Steam.
Edit: And if your an Aussie then join [Ozbargain](
13) Steam is shit.