Protip: "Choice" in regards to skills etc is meaningless if you can eventually get all those skills anyway. "Choice" only becomes meaningful when you aren't just choosing what your character/s strengths are, but also what their weaknesses are too.
One of the most interesting things about Morrowind was the fact that the more you got into bed with one faction/guild, the more factions that disliked that faction would come to dislike you. If you got high enough in a faction/guild then it became almost impossible to deal with opposing factions. This created a huge amount of potential replayability, replayability with Oblivion/Skyrim lacked because they allow you to become the master of ever guild in the game, to get 100% of the content in terms of quests.
Forcing the player to take sides, make choices that aren't just false choices, that is the heart of a really good RPG. Take Fallout for example, you can make a character which has high Charisma, who can get all the good dialogue options, but that means having bad skills in other areas in combat.
Dialogue is an important comparison too, Oblivion's laughably bad dialogue system was not about choice in any way, it was the conversational form of grinding, the player being forced to exhaust "topics" with NPC's by taunting them, admiring them, etc, all AT THE SAME TIME. I don't think anyone needs to example just how retarded it is if a player can boast to an NPC, threaten the, admire them, one after another, and the NPC doesn't reacts individually to each option.
In everything from the character system, quest system, dialogue system, modern TES games play like offline MMO's, everything is about some OCD content grinding. Just like in MMO's how players must farm out every quest and available XP point, same as in Oblivion/Skyrim you do the same thing.
hucklebarry: They have good visuals and music. additionally, you can easily mod them to have GREAT graphics and you can drop ANY music in the games folder and it will play that as well (some great fan made music along with your own choice collection can really help.
There are also mods to help with the auto-leveling. I wasn't a fan of that either, but each mod handles it differently.
"Mods fix it" is not an excuse for bad gameplay. Bethesda use modding as a tool for dampen the fallout when they release buggy/broken games. So the fanboys then can say "Well why don't you mod it". A game can only be judged on it's vanilla state.