Taleroth: As someone with a psychology degree and a conveniently handy DSM at home, that's not the definition of a disorder.
Paradoks: It is a disorder in the most basic meaning of the word - A lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion.
I don't see that quote suggesting otherwise. I hope that clarifies what I meant.
No what you mean is cleverly disguised hate-speech. You may not feel particularly hateful inside when you say it, but that's largely irrelevant. The human race has an overpopulation problem, not the opposite, so to imply not actively trying to pop out more kids is a dysfunction at a species level is ass backward wrong as well, as the basic premise is not just flawed, but 100% the reverse of reality.
At an individual level it largely doesn't matter whether someone reproduces or not, regardless of their sexual preferences, therefor with whom the may prefer to bump their naughty bits is also 100% irrelevant.