Bodkin: (But not about BiA! It's not tactical, it's coridoric nightmare with broken weapons, where you need use your men in designed ways. Tactics? Please) :P
I still consider it funny that people actually complain about "broken weapons" or "broken hitboxes" in Brothers in Arms. The accuracy is reduced in order to make shooting enemies in cover highly ineffective and enforce the "suppress and flank" gameplay but it's not "broken" - I agree though that it sucks, that your team members cannot kill enemies in cover and that the interface/AI were designed in such a manner that you are forced to execute almost all aggressive maneuvres yourself.
And while I agree that the level design and awfully passive AI, especially in the first game, didn't make BiA the deep tactical experience it should have been, it undoubtedly is a tactical shooter. In order to succeed you have to analyze the situation and make decisions on a tactical level. There's no arguing with that. Whether it's a
good tactical shooter is a different story of course...