Posted November 25, 2011
^ page about the game
I love this game, but Iv lost my disk several years ago. This would be a great game to offer and fix some of the glitches in that need some sirious work arounds to make the game playable.
Its a lot like Might and Magic 6-8. Only you can multi class to make powerful chracters and can enchant your own magic items.
Its a .... good old game, I think it needs a home here on GOG's.
Has anyone eles played this game and agrees?
^ page about the game
I love this game, but Iv lost my disk several years ago. This would be a great game to offer and fix some of the glitches in that need some sirious work arounds to make the game playable.
Its a lot like Might and Magic 6-8. Only you can multi class to make powerful chracters and can enchant your own magic items.
Its a .... good old game, I think it needs a home here on GOG's.
Has anyone eles played this game and agrees?