HMDK: Tidus is annoying, obnoxious and a magnet for my fists.
AlexY: Never play VIII. Tidus is great, especially when compared to Squall.
C'mon. At least Squall kept his mouth shut for most of the game!
(Unlike Cloud who if he wasn't crapping on about how cool he was at the defense of Nibelheim, he would sit around bemoaning his existence and questioning who he is). ;)
AlexY: No FF requires grinding, ever
Cough. Grinding is still needed to beat the stupid optional bosses (remember the Weapons in FF7?)
You'll probably say but they're not
required. I give you that. But many of the older FFs still require some grinding. Also their field/dungeon encounter rate is way too high. Take a few steps and Bam another battle. Ugh. :(
HMDK: I don't hate random encounters. I hate random repetitive encounters every time I blink my eyes. I'd like to think there's a difference.
I second that.
(BTW if the only FF you've played was FFX, do you mind me asking if you have played many other JRPGs? No offence, just curious as to what you are comparing FFX with).
Luisfius: FF8 literally requires no grinding in battles, can junction a billion spells to increase your stats with
Oh no. I just remembered why I didn't enjoy FF8. I accept that there must be some players who mastered (and even loved?!?) the spell draw/junction system, but for me, that ruined the whole game.
(Just near the end of FF8, I just couldn't keep going with its battle system. But I still wanted to finish the game. So I hit the debug room XD )
Luisfius: and never deal with random encounters ever.
Um. Having high level stats does not prevent random encounters occurring. :(