eisberg77: What I want to know is why do they need to do that in the first place? why can't they sell the game for $59.99 USD equivalent in regions currency : like 43.97 in Euro and 35.23 in British Pound?
They can, but they wont, or rather the publisher chooses not to. Many have tried all manner of excuses for the practice but it boils down to, they want to get the most they can for their product wherever they can. Can't exactly blame them for that.
Retail stores have worked hard in your region tricking customers into paying inflated prices for products and they don't want to let all that hard work go to waste. Rather than offend local stores (or rather, happy to share in the inflated prices), online sales are set to match the inflated price in your region.
The internet and digital sales have gone some lengths to making this practice harder to excuse, so some publishers choose to block activation of their product if the location you bought it, doesn't match the location you try to use it. Its becoming as bad as DRM in my opinion, a corrupt practice that abuses the consumer of your product.
I'm sure GOG means well trying to offer back some of that inflated price as store credit, but I won't have a bar of it, its just encouraging the corruption to continue. I could perhaps import a physical copy from a location with a cheaper retail average, pay for shipping and still come out under the publishers recommended retail price for my region. In a world with the internet and digital distribution, the notion just feels idiotic.
I'll just wait until the game is a couple of bucks. Sure hope some of that $3 trickles through to the developer.