Fine then, you consider it an attack to point out that you're being defensive about your position, and expect sympathy for a situation that only you are fully aware of.
You don't like the state of things, here are your options:
1) Wait. Wait for improvement in the market, for price inflation. Follow suit to see the profit expected
2) Raise prices. Expect inflation, expect haggling, if you can be "Persuaded" to drop the $20 you put on in the first place then you've lost nothing.
3) Deal with it, sell it, so forth.
Hell, guess what: I'm going to give you a chance. I've come into some disposable income. Show me. I don't haggle. I may decide it's something I want, something I like. If you don't trust me, fine, me and everyone here tried to offer an explanation and a way of understanding this through what little you've told us, and we're simply going to brush you off in a day's time and not care at the least, and you can auto-pilot this anger of yours for a while.