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monkeydelarge: It's hard to cool down when you look at the bigger picture. I'm a bigger picture kind of person.
misteryo: This has nothing to do with the bigger picture. All it has to do with is your particular experience trying to sell this (whatever it is) stuff and the particular people who want to pay less than you want them to pay.

I refuse to agree that the world is going to hell, or that Americans suck, or that people in this thread are indicative of what's wrong with the world, or any other crazy crap - just because you are having a bad day.
+1 :)
MobiusArcher: Obviously the demand for what you are trying to sell is less than the supply. That's the big picture. It always has been, and it always will be. If your going to get mad at something, I recommend the internet. Before eBay, stuff was just worth more money.

PS - I love GoG <3
Post edited September 01, 2013 by Tarnicus
low rated
QC: Value is a market decided term and subjective to people's interest. I don't doubt your story, my question is more if your conceived value has a decidedly different market value that people are comparing against.
Tarnicus: Exactly what I was going to say. Something is only "worth" what someone is willing to pay.
No shit. My post is about people being insanely cheap. And you need a crash course in go fuck yourself. I'm done here. This thread has become nothing more than a, attack the OP for calling us insanely cheap thread.
Post edited September 01, 2013 by monkeydelarge
People are more and more enslaved by things 'they have to have' .... you know a car or two, one overpriced iThing a year.
Then add the taxes, the studies .... the food. None of these are getting cheaper any time soon.
I don't want to sound militant or over dramatic, but : things sucks, people have reasons to be cheap bastards (not that they should).
high rated
monkeydelarge: No shit. My post is about people being insanely cheap. And you need a crash course in go fuck yourself. I'm done here. This thread has become nothing more than a, attack the OP for calling us insanely cheap thread.
I hope you achieved what you set out to do :) I'm quite well versed in fucking myself but thanks for the encouragement :P
Tarnicus: Something is only "worth" what someone is willing to pay.
When selling something, the good price is not 'what it cost you and some' it's (as you said) what someone is willing to pay.
'worthiness" is subjective. The buyer and the seller usually don't find the same worth in an item. :D
What kind of reaction is that ?
Potzato: What kind of reaction is that ?
It's a reaction to this comment "And you need a crash course in go fuck yourself. I'm done here." and embodies the sentiment that they expressed. monkeydelarge came to the forums expressing unhappiness over a situation, received a reaction that they didn't like and basically said "screw you guys I'm going home". I find such outbursts amusing and thought I'd add a little humour to the situation :)
Post edited September 01, 2013 by Tarnicus
monkeydelarge: Did you even read all my posts?
Yes. Its just that I don't believe your problem is that people are too cheap to buy your stuff. I think your problem is that people just don't want your stuff as much as you think they should. Its probably just not worth what your think its worth. Of course the only way you could prove otherwise is to let us know what your selling. You wont do that. It must be something really embarrassing.
Fine then, you consider it an attack to point out that you're being defensive about your position, and expect sympathy for a situation that only you are fully aware of.

You don't like the state of things, here are your options:
1) Wait. Wait for improvement in the market, for price inflation. Follow suit to see the profit expected
2) Raise prices. Expect inflation, expect haggling, if you can be "Persuaded" to drop the $20 you put on in the first place then you've lost nothing.
3) Deal with it, sell it, so forth.

Hell, guess what: I'm going to give you a chance. I've come into some disposable income. Show me. I don't haggle. I may decide it's something I want, something I like. If you don't trust me, fine, me and everyone here tried to offer an explanation and a way of understanding this through what little you've told us, and we're simply going to brush you off in a day's time and not care at the least, and you can auto-pilot this anger of yours for a while.
I think I am the only one (with Cœlacanthe) to have caught the thread's vibe.
A pity I was enjoying this thread and sympathize with monkeydelarge. That's the reason I don't sell stuff, I keep it, wait until it breaks and throw it away.

But a thread poster, not wanting solutions but rather pity ought to use the quite popular "bitch about life in general" thread.
Post edited September 01, 2013 by Khadgar42
Tarnicus: I find such outbursts amusing and thought I'd add a little humour to the situation :)
1) I have far too much empathy to find that amusing, but ok.
2) If somebody asks you what you did today, you can allways answer 'I tried humour but instaed I made some guy's coffee at the other side of the planet taste like shit'.

No offense. Just my morning opinion :)
People do things to feel good about themselves. Because of this, you have to always set the asking price ABOVE what you're expectingq to get. The buyer will try to lower that price and you haggle. The moron in the end thinks he tricked you into lowering the price, and you got what you wanted.
Post edited September 01, 2013 by keeveek
Ok, so I really don't like to get this offensive on forums, but I just have to say it. A couple of you think that everyone else is cheap, but I think your just being greedy.