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Elmofongo: Why does he hates video games?
"I’m remote from most technology to the point that I’m kind of Amish, I have played a couple of computer games — until I realized I was being bloodied with adrenalin over something that wasn’t real. At the end of a couple of hours of very addictive play, I may have procured the necessary amount of mushrooms to save a princess, but I also wasted hours of my life that I’ll never be able to get back."

Read the interview here

He also hates anyone over 12 who reads superhero comics.
Yeah, mostly DC for me. Though I get trades and stuff from before New 52. I've read some of the stuff at my local comic store and I am pretty disappointed with what they're doing in it. Read a few of the Villain Month comics (Zod - bad, Penguin - some good bits, but not very good overall, Lobo - solid enough, mostly, but the redesign and declaring that the character everybody likes is an imposter is stupid, and Riddler - probably the best, but not great), and the first two Batman collections (Court of Owls and City of Owls. Court was fine, and City started fine, but it got really stupid and lame really quickly, and what the fuck did they do to Mr. Freeze).

Other than DC I mostly read stuff from Dark Horse like Hellboy, though I plan on picking up some more Marvel stuff at some point, and some Dynamite and Valiant stuff.
LesterKnight99: Mignola's a good artist
That he sure is. Though when he stopped drawing Hellboy so he could focus on the writing gave the pencils to some one else I was surprised by how much I liked the new guy's work.
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(12 days of Free Comics:
Elmofongo: Why does he hates video games?
RealWeaponX: "I’m remote from most technology to the point that I’m kind of Amish, I have played a couple of computer games — until I realized I was being bloodied with adrenalin over something that wasn’t real. At the end of a couple of hours of very addictive play, I may have procured the necessary amount of mushrooms to save a princess, but I also wasted hours of my life that I’ll never be able to get back."
"I may have procured the necessary amount of mushrooms to save a princess, but I also wasted hours of my life that I’ll never be able to get back"
The same could be said for any one of Moore's comics. Video games may not have the best stories, but neither dose he (Watchmen the "Moby Dick of comics" my ass).
Why is being "bloodied with adrenalin" over a video game so inferior to the same kind of rush from a comic? Because comic are SMRTer? (typo intended).
I was playing Call of Juarez: Gunslinger the other day. That game ends with a weighty moral choice. Their was more honest emotion and thought in that scene than in anything I found in Watchmen, LXG or supreme.
Elmofongo: Why does he hates video games?
RealWeaponX: "I’m remote from most technology to the point that I’m kind of Amish, I have played a couple of computer games — until I realized I was being bloodied with adrenalin over something that wasn’t real. At the end of a couple of hours of very addictive play, I may have procured the necessary amount of mushrooms to save a princess, but I also wasted hours of my life that I’ll never be able to get back."

Read the interview here

He also hates anyone over 12 who reads superhero comics.
Yeah The Killing Joke and Watchmen were clearly meant for children ages 12 and below :P
Very light reader of Marvel. I really like Thanos's Infinity Gaunlet and Heart of the Universe, the ones with the huge cosmic battles. Read Civil War, World War Hulk, Secret Invasion, Dark Phoenix Saga etc.
I have all the Calvin and Hobbes comics. These are great to read in any mood.

Other than that, no. I'm the odd one out in my group of friends. Everyone but me loves Marvel and DC.
a huge comic reader

been reading archie comics series since 15+ years
calvin and hobbes
beetle bailey

justice league of america
richie rich

reading comics was a main thing back in the days untill games came in
I've always liked The Phantom and Calvin and Hobbes, but also read Tintin, Spirou, the nordic Arne Anka and Nemi, and can easily forget time and surroundings completely if handed a stack of comics.
I have enjoyed a great many comics, both Manga and Western style comics, here is a random list of ones I've loved:

Transmetropolitan (Yay Warren Ellis ftw!)
Giant Monster
Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom
Franken Fran
Marvel Zombies
H.P. Lovecraft graphic novels (I have several good ones)
Doctor Who (Yeah, I know...surprise surprise!!! :P)
Ghostbusters IDW line
Elric of Melniboné (great adaptations of Michael Moorcock's work)
Kingdom Come (beautiful artwork and not a half bad story)
Spider-Man Noir
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (a fantastic story in the SWEU)
The Goon
Ranma 1/2 (one story from Rumiko Takahashi I really do enjoy)
The Killing Joke
Year One
The Dark Knight Returns
Looking for Group
Adventure Time
Green Lantern - Blackest Night
The Sleepwalker (not sure if anyone remembers that line)
Tank Girl
Cowboy Bebop
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
The Guild (I actually found the comic prequel to the webseries rather good)
Post edited December 15, 2013 by Theta_Sigma
I used to read Duck Tales, Bugs Bunny, Mickey, Donald, Duffy Duck and all those comics :P
Got burnt out on Marvel/DC about 5 or 6 years ago, just too bloody depressing/grim, creepy. I did get into Superior Spider-man this year, but after Peter Parker comes back, I'll probably go back to not reading modern comics. Besides there 's plenty of 80's comics that have (or haven't) been collected that I still need to ready anyway.

DC had Alan Moore, so did Image. In fact, so did Marvel: He also used to write Doctor Who comics as well.

Anyway, I don't recall seeing you post about Superman and the League. What did you think of them?
yep. Free my last pony today... this should be good....
Everything written by Warren Ellis is worth a read.