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I do, I used to read a variety of different titles (ranging from Battle Action Force to Batman, a couple of the X-Men titles through to Judge Dredd) but for the last 7 or 8 years I have been reading manga and a couple of years ago I started reading Girl Genius
Post edited December 14, 2013 by mcneil_1
dracomage1996: Or am i the only one.
"Raises hand"

And just recent actually, I read DC only because I think they are arguably better than Marvel, mostly because they have these:

Beat that Marvel. DC has Alan Moore ;)
I've read some manga and graphic novels. Not a fan of superhero comics.
tinyE: I'm not a comic book fan but why is this thread low rated?
LesterKnight99: It's not a bad thread; comic books have inspired the creation of certain games (Arkham franchise, eg.), so this really should be uprepped.
Funny thing, I love comic book movies which tends to get me in hot water with comic book fans because more often than not the movies are so unfaithful to the books. Somewhere I need to strike a balance so I can be friends with everyone. :-)
I do.

Though I have to say, I prefer the old ones that I have "lying around" here.
And I never read Mangas.

What do I read?


Asterix (The latest album "Asterix and the Picts" got recently released, and is rather good, compared to the three or four before that);
Lucky Luke;
The Adventures of Tintin;
Die Gifticks (Les Krostons);
Die Blauen Boys (North vs South);


Batman Superband; (70's/80's Ehapa)
Superman Superband; (70's/80's Ehapa)
Die Gerechtigkeitsliga (Justice League (of America)); (70's/80's Ehapa)


Judge Dredd (Rijperman /Feest);
Tank Girl (Feest);
Horror Comics (Williams);
Twisted Tales;

Lots of good childhood memories.

Love collecting graphic novels at times.

Can't wait for Grandville: Nöel to come out.

In fact, I'm about to read Watchmen during my recent flight, heard nothing but good things about it (even though I'm not into superheroes, unless it's as cool and bat-shiz crazy as Nextwave).
Post edited December 14, 2013 by V_Racer
I like Mouse Guard, Beasts of Burden and Hellboy. I also enjoy reading The old Creepy comics and various superhero comics.

I'm also a big fan of She-Hulk. I became an even bigger fan of her once I started reading her comics (The Dan Slott run in particular)
Post edited December 14, 2013 by Johnmourby
i love comics since years but havent had much time to get me some until recently, since them im spending hours in the local comic shop once a month. for preferences usually im not so much into marvel or dc unless its green lantern or x-men, lately a lot of deadpool, that dude is just so damn hilarious. Besides that im more into the darker comic books, witchblade, darkness, spawn and so forth
Johnmourby: I like Mouse Guard, Beasts of Burden and Hellboy. I also enjoy reading The old Creepy comics and various superhero comics.
Mignola's a good artist
Uprepping to piss off the downers :)
I love comics.
dracomage1996: Or am i the only one.
Forever alone... nah, just kidding.

I grew up with Asterix and Lucky Luke, particularly loved the latter. There was also Mort & Phil (known as Clever & Smart in Germany) and a weird satirical Italian comic series about World War II called Sturmtruppen that I collected many German issues of.

I also read the occasional super hero thing but didn't get into them much. I always had trouble with the overly convoluted and yet incredibly silly plots and mythology - heck, to this day I have trouble grasping a lot of the background information that you need to know to fully get some superhero comics. The first (and so far only) "super hero" comic I really got into was The Punisher, have collected quite a few of those. Always loved those for their realism and dark humor. Although now through Comixology I'll probably also get more into Batman (whom I mostly know from the films and the 90's animated series) and eventually probably also other comics - although collecting them is quite pricey, even the digital ones. I mean, three issues that you read through in like half an hour cost as much as a GOG game like Outcast that may keep you busy for weeks.
Haven't in a while but I used to. Got a whole bunch of them boxed up somewhere.
Elmofongo: Beat that Marvel. DC has Alan Moore ;)
I think you meant to say, "Alan Moore hates DC and thinks they owe him tons of money. He also hates games, the internet, technology in general, and is a grumpy old sod."

But yeah, he has made some great comics.

I'm currently getting Kurt Busiek's Astro City, Constantine (though I miss Hellblazer), Sandman: Overture (cash grab), Coffin Hill, The Star Wars, and considering Hinterkind...

Oh, and Hellboy. Because Hellboy. And because Mignola.
Elmofongo: Beat that Marvel. DC has Alan Moore ;)
RealWeaponX: I think you meant to say, "Alan Moore hates DC and thinks they owe him tons of money. He also hates games, the internet, technology in general, and is a grumpy old sod."

But yeah, he has made some great comics.

I'm currently getting Kurt Busiek's Astro City, Constantine (though I miss Hellblazer), Sandman: Overture (cash grab), Coffin Hill, The Star Wars, and considering Hinterkind...

Oh, and Hellboy. Because Hellboy. And because Mignola.
Why does he hates video games? does it have to do with that Watchmen: End is Nigh game?

Also I like to see him dabble in the Fantasy genre, I like to see him tackle tolkien's middle earth.
One word: Transmetropolitan.
I didn't really get hooked on The Boys although the idea is just great.
Apart from that mainly european comics/grafic novels and assorted "oddities" like handprinted, arty things or Nufonia must fall. Blacksad is brilliant and i like the style of Enki Bilal.
And I got all the Asterix comics my father bought from the late 60s/early 70s up to some point in the 90s.