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Duke 3d was the first time I used it, except I used the number pad instead of WASD.
When I played Duke there was no mouse so I actually had to relearn it with WASD later on. I think I started using it during my introduction into modern day space shooters ie Freespace and Freespace 2. I never could have functioned I those games without it.
darthspudius: My personal experience started with Quake. Before then I don't really remember using a mouse for aiming. So arrow keys were the norm.

I pity anyone who still uses that set up! :P
Chaser98: (start of completely off topic post)
When I first started PC gaming (well, when I started playing non-online Flash games) late last year, I originally started out using the arrow keys and enter/shift for my action keys. Honestly I'm not sure why I used those keys, other than it being less "alien feeling", not to mention it was surprisingly comfortable and viable on my old laptop. All that being said, it took exactly two games for me to stop using the arrow keys and shift/enter setup. (end of completely off topic post)
I did that at one point too, I won't criticize... much! :P
I believe Blackie Lawless invented WASD.

No, wait...that was WASP.
korell: As for typing speed, layout isn't so much of a factor. I believe that there have been studies on keyboard layouts and for a skilled typist even randomized and alphabetical layouts allow similar typing speeds after the initial stage of getting used to the new layout.
Citation needed.
gbaz69: Not sure who invented WASD, but I do understand the need to 'use keys on the left side of keyboard for comfort', out of necessity.
Psyringe: From a pure usability perspective, WASD was a suboptimal choice though. You can't find the keys blindly since none of your fingers rests on a nubbed key, you can't use your pinky for additional commands (at least only very few), and for many games and gamers it feels more ergonomic to have index, middle, and ring finger all on the same row.
This is not my experience. I can blindly find wasd very quickly by putting my pinky on the bottom leftmost key (ctrl) and moving my other fingers up until they all hit normal sized keys. I also find I can hit tab, caps, shift, and ctrl without disturbing my other 4 fingers by bringing my arm+elbow out slightly. More keys can be reached if I lift my ring finger.

I am unsure of the ergonomic benefits of having all fingers on the same row if you have to use multiple fingers on the same hand at the same time.
korell: As for typing speed, layout isn't so much of a factor. I believe that there have been studies on keyboard layouts and for a skilled typist even randomized and alphabetical layouts allow similar typing speeds after the initial stage of getting used to the new layout.
etb: Citation needed.
Well, this is a starting point anyway:

"Several alternatives to QWERTY have been developed over the years, claimed by their designers and users to be more efficient, intuitive and ergonomic. Nevertheless, none has seen widespread adoption, partly due to the sheer dominance of available keyboards and training. Although some studies have suggested that some of these may allow for faster typing speeds, many other studies have failed to do so, and many of the studies claiming improved typing speeds were severely methodologically flawed or deliberately biased, such as the studies administered by Dvorak himself before and after World War II. Economists Stan Liebowitz and Stephen E Margolis have noted that rigorous studies are inconclusive as to whether they actually offer any real benefits."

Liebowitz, Stan; Margolis, Stephen E. (1990), "The Fable of the Keys", Journal of Law and Economics 33 (1): 1–26, doi:10.1086/467198
Smannesman: I remember it crashing a lot, but I think System Shock in 1994 also had mouse aiming.. could be wrong of course.
The engine was amazing for its time though.
F4LL0UT: Yeah, I'm never sure with System Shock. I think mouse look was introduced through mods, I think originally you had to click at the screen borders to pan the view with the mouse and had to use keyboard commands otherwise.
Yeah, original System Shock had similar system as Ultima Underworld, ie. you moved a cursor on the screen with mouse. You didn't move your view with the mouse, even though technically you did aim with it on the screen.

The real mouseaim to System Shock was introduced with the System Shock Portable remake, and yeah it does make the game more playable. It has to be often switched off in order to do other stuff with the mouse in the game, but there is a hotkey to keep enabling and disabling it ingame whenever you want.
timppu: The real mouseaim to System Shock was introduced with the System Shock Portable remake, and yeah it does make the game more playable. It has to be often switched off in order to do other stuff with the mouse in the game, but there is a hotkey to keep enabling and disabling it ingame whenever you want.
Is it the same as pressing tab to switch between pointer and freelook in System Shock 2? I think that worked out very well.
ChaunceyK: I believe Blackie Lawless invented WASD.

No, wait...that was WASP.
I'm not a WASP fan but that is one hell of a reference to pull out of thin air! I'll bet most of the folks round these parts have never heard that name. Color me VERY impressed!
tinyE: I'm not a WASP fan but that is one hell of a reference to pull out of thin air! I'll bet most of the folks round these parts have never heard that name. Color me VERY impressed!
When you say "round these parts" you mean the area where you live or the GOG forums? :p
Funnily enough, I was first introduced to the notion of ESDF controls, courtesy of the local Quake deities. When I adopted mouselook myself, I opted for WASD and thought it as my own invention, only later did I see it applied by default in newer games and realised I'd been scooped :P

Ironically, I think ESDF might actually be superior, as it allows for better use of the pinky and easily defaults to homerow typing. WASD, however, has a clear advantage on most laptops - it avoids the touchpad ;)
tinyE: I'm not a WASP fan but that is one hell of a reference to pull out of thin air! I'll bet most of the folks round these parts have never heard that name. Color me VERY impressed!
F4LL0UT: When you say "round these parts" you mean the area where you live or the GOG forums? :p
I meant everywhere actually, but I was trying to sound like a "good ol boy". There are a lot of self confessed hard rock fans who would have troble placing Blackie. As far as where I live!? Yeah! it's all polka and country up here. I wouldn't be surprised if someone up here had trouble placing John Lennon.
tinyE: I wouldn't be surprised if someone up here had trouble placing John Lennon.
What?! There's people who don't know the Rolling Stones?!
tinyE: I wouldn't be surprised if someone up here had trouble placing John Lennon.
F4LL0UT: What?! There's people who don't know the Rolling Stones?!
You silly person. Everyone knows John Lennon was the guy playing that wizard kid who plays soccer on a broom. Here, look