Posted September 10, 2010
Blood Bowl Dark Elves Edition is $10 even for the next few days, and I might take advantage of it if it lives up to the Amiga version's legacy (no, I haven't played the tabletop version, I could never find a shop that had any GW games besides Warhammer and 40K). I was less than impressed with the Speedball remake, and frankly, I'm concerned with the way companies are creating mediocre rehashes of what were once pretty great classics and calling them "upgrades for the modern era" or whatever the selling phrase is.
So anyway, back to the original inquiry: Does this version of the game stick to the original without too many unnecessary artistic liberties? Or should I save my money for a quarter tank of petrol?
So anyway, back to the original inquiry: Does this version of the game stick to the original without too many unnecessary artistic liberties? Or should I save my money for a quarter tank of petrol?