StingingVelvet: And I never understood belittling ME2's combat. It functions quite well and the armor/shield effects being susceptible to different damage effects
Actually, that would be the worst part about the gameplay.
They half assedly ripped that element from EVE and assumed it would work in their game.
It's a very clunky and annoying aspect of the game at best.
In the first game you had three armor types: synthetics, flesh, and then shields. This worked well enough.
Nevermind that fact that it doesn't make much sense, the addition of armor and biotic barriers that can only be pierced by certain things was annoying and unnecessary. Now you have to switch between shotguns, submachineguns, sniper rifles and pistols constantly in addition to your powers. This is not "intuitive" or "tactical", this is simply an annoying game mechanic meant to offer artificial complexity to this bland 3rd person shooter, likely to compensate for the loss of actual complexity, in the form of numerous powers and ways to configure your character, from the previous game.
The 6 classes and such make for a quite tactical combat experience on higher difficulties.
The game is very much not tactical. It's a mediocre 3rd person shooter.
Maybe if the AI was much smarter, and also had to play by the same annoying rules you did in order to kill them, and then having to configure your own biotic shields and physical armor, then the game might be considered tactical.