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Elemental War of Magic
Civilization 5
Fallout New Vegas
Worms Reloaded
Post edited August 22, 2010 by Pheace
Witcher 2
Dragon Age 2
Age of Decadence (assuming it's going to be released within the next year)
Watching Guild Wars 2, because a friend is quite hyped about it, but not a fan of MMOs myself. That's all that occurs to me off the cuff.
damn to many to even keep track of vegas, civ 5, da2, elemental, torchlight 2, trine 2, portal 2, stronghold 3, the new wow pack, guild 2, diablo 3........ so pretty much a whole lot of stuff i wont have time for ;p
Preordered: Amnesia and Natural Selection 2
Buying for sure day 1: Torchlight 2, Guild Wars 2
Buying for sure when the price drops: Diablo 3, Trine 2, Portal 2 and Witcher 2
Interested in but need more info: Elemental and E.Y.E
Post edited August 22, 2010 by Whiteblade999
Panzer Command : Ostfront, Combat Mission Normandy, Torchlight 2, Trine 2, Dawn of War 2 : Retribution, Jagged Alliance 2 Reloaded, Shank, NHL 11, Civ 5, Elemental, Homefront, Fallout New Vegas, Witcher 2, Shogun Total War 2, Tropico 4.
Words can't really express how excited I am for Mafia 2 and Fallout: New Vegas.
Past that I am eagerly awaiting Gothic 4, Civilization 5, Dead Space 2 and Crysis 2.
The Old Republic and Guild Wars 2 are on my list as well, but as they are MMOs and I generally hate MMOs I am going to be very careful about buying them outright.
You know, I actually can't think of a single one.
I think it's cos I've been busy recently, and I've kinda stopped following all the game news on Joystiq or whatever. I've missed most of the hype, and nothing has caught my eye that looks particularly special or new.
Plus I seem to have enough games to be going along with...
Maybe i'm just too tired for the hype-ray to have an effect on me.
Mafia 2, New Vegas, Witcher 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Homefront, Batman Akrham City, Portal 2, Shogun 2 (thx. navagon. forgot about it but yeah. i am excited)
interested in Tropico 4 but i cannot make tropico 3 work on my computer (lags like crazy) so only interested
and World of Darkness MMORPG. whenever that is released.
lukaszthegreat: Baldur's Gate 3

Waitwhat? You know something I don't?
- Civ 5 because you can't go wrong with that one. Only problem is having one Steam account shared with my brother. I predict some violent fights over this game.
- MGS: Rising because Metal Gear is my most beloved gaming franchise along with Final Fantasy. Hideo Kojima is my god.
- Xenoblade because I finally want to see a jRPG of this generation that will suck me in and won't let go.
- The Last Story for the very same reason.
- TERA Online because I'm loving the art direction and that it could be a serious breath of fresh air for MMOs.
- Kingdom Hearts 3 because Tetsuya Nomura is also my god.
- Prince of Persia 2 (I mean the 2008 one), because I was absolutely enchanted by the first one and I will never understand the hate it's getting all over the internet. It was like a true fairytale coming alive.
- Valkyria Chronicles 2 because VC remains my GOTY 2009.
- Mass Effect 3 because 1 and 2 were awesome.
- Dragon Age 2 because the first one had me hooked for good.
Post edited August 23, 2010 by barjed
Fallout: New Vegas - HUGE, HUGE, HUGE Fallout Fan.
Dragon Age 2 - Amazing.
Deus Ex 3 - Need I say more?
Nothing really. I suppose Deus Ex 3 will likely be good, but it's too early for me to know for certain, so I'm not that excited yet. Obviously the first was a fine game. I would be excited for GOG releases, but I rarely know which ones are going to be released.
Mafia 2,
Kirby's Epic yarn,
Metriod : Other M,
TLOZ: Skyward sword,
The last story,
gothic 4
Which I am mostly? Hard to decide... I've posted lots of them here, before.
Overall, what PC games I'll buy for sure is:
Civilization 5
Jagged Alliance 2: Reloaded
Supreme Ruler: Cold War
Deus Ex 3
Thief 4
Crysis 2
Doom 4
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
The Witcher 2
lukaszthegreat: Baldur's Gate 3

WTF?! Tell me you just included it to be sure we were reading other's people list, tell me NAO!
barjed: - FREAKING SHOGO 2.

This sentence also refers to you, barjed!
"WTF?! Tell me you just included it to be sure we were reading other's people list, tell me NAO!"
Amnesia The Dark Descent
World of Darkness MMO
Doom 4
Dead space 2
Diablo 3
Space marine
Post edited August 24, 2010 by Lenny