IAmSinistar: Sounds like from the bluetexts though that they think they'll get it back toot-sweet, so hopefully you'll have a second chance soon.
JMich: Here's the thread about it in the Revolt Live forum. What I find interesting is that neither of the two coders has participated so far, and
I find disappointing the fact that removal of the game from a store is seen as a good thing. I agree with you, I mean it sucks that it was being sold without the copyright being ironed out and all but it is still sad they are happy to see the game pulled. I am not fully versed in the situation and I apologize for any ignorance to the matters at hand, but I get the impression they have a hate-on for the company and are more looking to give it a slap in the face as opposed to rights infringement. Again, this is just the impression I got from that particular post, and I freely apologize if I'm incorrect.