Shalgroth: That is THE thing that disgusts me about the sport. Diving is ridiculous and dishonest. It's a shame that it has become such an accepted practice, but it completely undermines the talent at work in soccer.
Exactly! After seeing the Thierry Henry/Ireland "foul" even my dad, who is the most football-obsessed loony I've ever seen, was so disgusted at that he didnt watch any football for almost 2 weeks. If you knew how mych he watches a week you'd be surprised at how much he didn't watch.
When me and my friends play we play rough and when at comes to fouls we just say "if theres no blood or bruises its not a foul" unless its of the I'M-GONNA-BREAK-YER-LEGS kind of tackle. That way players can dive all they want, they AIN'T GETTIN' NO FREEKICK!! ^_^