Crowned: I must say I don't see a point in "needing" agitators.
I see the point of dullness (although I personally don't see these forums as dull), but I don't agree that agitators and heated arguments are the way to go.
And I definitely don't think we need "arseholes" for anything -- situations where expressing your opinion regardless of others' feelings is required are practically nonexistent. I tend to see that people who propose this are on the long run arseholes themselves, excluding you because I only know you by this topic which is hardly cause enough for such judgement. These people tend to think of all arguments as conflicts through which they would raise their social status, and regard absolutely stupid things as marks of strength and victory (like making someone cry by putting your opinions in a coarse form that they know offends them)
Enough about a-holes and arguments in general, though, that certainly isn't the main point, although it clearly got me worked up the most.
The only problem with the general politeness and nice atmosphere is that we might turn into an elitist community that just revels in it's gloriousness and hates all "lesser" communities, which is why I've tried to avoid even the Steam related topics (with moderate success). Then we'd get overrun by trolls and turn into a bitterly elitist camp of inbred... Well, arseholes again. It is some kind of a vicious circle, it seems.
Why this all is worrisome is that this topic, in a manner, may be a herald of those troll hordes (not saying you are a troll, but a foreshadowing of possible trolls, and all this with absolutely no offense, you merely triggered the chain of thought).
What I mean is, that even though I don't agree with the points you made, I agree that self-reflection and judgement is acceptable.
Being a part of this community won't make anyone a better person, no matter what the community is like. Quite the opposite, we make the community alike ourselves. Thus far it has been nice to be a part of this, and I hope it will remain so.
To top it: I don't see why we would need agitators and more heat if we seem perfectly content with the situation as it is. I've not seen any bashing of newcomers either (being a rather late arrival myself, I've been welcomed into the community pretty well).
Well said.