Last time I guessed on the OP's name. This one's mine.
QC is an abreviation for Quiet chat (as one word, reason I separate here, you'll see below). It was my username 4 years ago, when I joined onto an anime forum. I ended up becoming the moderator pretty soon after that. But, the site was hacked two years ago this month. Myself, and two other moderators were basically made public enemies on the website, as well as the website everyone migrated to, and I'm not sure how or why.
I can't use it as my username anywhere ever again, because they'd know it's me, they'd track me down, they'd harass me until I cave in to them, or until I gave up on the internet. But, I can't stand to let the name die. So, I use QC or Quiet_C or something like that, instead of the whole untampered name, to make it harder for them to find me.
Post edited February 15, 2012 by QC