The main thing FFVII stands to gain from a remake is a new translation, although it also could end up as excessive as the retranslation of Final Fantasy Tactics. (Well, maybe not, since it's approximately modern day in tone, but it could still be overwrought.) That said, I enjoyed it when I was 15, but I think VI is the pinnacle of the series, and that the music started going downhill from VII onward.
(And ripping bits and pieces out of the Carmina Burana? That's just silly.)
Also, was it just me or did Aeris only care about getting in Cloud's pants? I know her fanbase is legion, but she always annoyed me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to beat the torch-and-pitchfork rush and retreat to my fortress. You know the one, with flameproof walls and a three-foot-thick lead door.
(Side note: of the main FF series, the only ones I haven't played are VIII and IX. (Not counting XI or X-2 as main series.) X and XII I couldn't get more than a few hours into before the boredom set in. On the other hand, I can still pick up and enjoy pretty much any of the pre-32-bit titles -- remakes included.)