mistermumbles: Where do I buy my music? iTunes. Say what you want, but it's pretty much the easiest way to browse and buy music anywhere. Also, ever since the music industry has been persuaded to drop their god-awful tries at DRM there really is no issue buying from there either.
I'm far from an Apple sheep, but I do have a certain fondness for their iPod lines - I only buy one every few years. I'm thinking of finally getting an upgrade (or downgrade? Meh, don't play many games any way, so it's a moot point.) from my iPod Touch 2G. The new iPod nano looks very enticing. I really liked the newly introduced radio feature, which works remarkably well, of the last one, but I didn't like it's teeny tiny size. This new one is a lot more appealing.
Your tone sounds so defensive :)
We should be able to use products without feeling like we have to defend ourselves, regardless of what it is. I've given up trying to classify myself as an iSheep, Microslave, or whatever other evil of the day is.
The other post about iTunes had a similarly defensive posture :)
I also use iTunes, although just recently. I used to be hardcore about having the object so I would collect cases and manuals and liner notes or whatever. But it is DRM free so I can do what I like with my music.