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Games with great AI.
posting rules
- gaming platform
- game type
for example:
Galactic Civilizations II
platform: PC
genre: 4X turn-based strategy
Half Life on the PC had really good AI for the time.
The AI in Black and White 2 wasn't too bad.
I am racking my brain, but I simply cannot find a connection between the thread title and the contents of the OP :-/
Empire Earth (strategy): PC
Supreme Commander (stragegy): PC
Wishbone: I am racking my brain, but I simply cannot find a connection between the thread title and the contents of the OP :-/

Cause of error: bad AI?
LoTR Battle For Middle-earth 2
More than capable of busting heads and not afraid to do it either.
Well, you could fail for reasons other than an advanced AI. So I don't see the reason for this thread :-P
I suspect the AI is quite advanced but poorly utilized.