HGiles: Have you done it? Any of it? I have.
No one in power will see or care about this thread. Representatives at all levels care about letters (bonus points of an actual physical letter, they don't get many of those and it sticks out). I can assure you, volunteering at shelters, especially homeless shelters, is the exact opposite of useless. It helps people who desperately need it and relieves some of the burden on overworked county officials, it's a two-for-one deal. Joining local advocacy groups can have a huge impact, they're lobbyists at the local level and have a lot of sway in what laws are made and how they're enforced.
There are so many avenues for people in America to make government better. The problem is that 99% of Americans have stopped participating in their governments. Of course it's going off the rails! We're getting the government we deserve with our apathy. If a useless post is the most you can do - fair enough. But don't delude yourself that it's a substitute for taking actual action.
ETA: I laughed out loud at the idea that volunteering at a fire station or legal assistance charity is useless. You obviously haven't ever done either and have no idea how much a difference they can make.
monkeydelarge: So volunteering at homeless shelters will help change our legal system? The answer is no. So like I said, every thing you mentioned is useless. Everything you mentioned will not help change the legal system. If you weren't so dense, you'd realize I wasn't saying volunteering at a homeless shelter is useless when it comes to helping people... We are talking about changing the legal system... Duh.
qwixter: Go internet activism! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Whelp, I am exhausted. Time to go play some Dragon Age Inquisition. Glad I did my part to make the world a better place today.
monkeydelarge: So what if my thread is useless and I wasted my time. Making fun of someone for trying? Seriously? WOW, please go slip on your sidewalk and fall this winter into a massive pile of dog shit. Then you'll be face to face with your soul mate.
You just keep getting classier, don't you? He's mocking you because you *aren't* trying. This thread does not count as trying. That's the point.
Volunteering at a homeless shelter will actually help with enforcement, because the more people off the streets the less time police officers and firefighters have to take away from their actual jobs to deal with them (plus, it would get you more familiar with how the legal system actually works, you don't seem to know much). All of the other things I suggested would either directly impact the laws or help address imbalances in getting access to proper legal representation.
More ideas: Help people fill out tax forms in the spring. Volunteer to ride along with a police officer or do community-oriented policing (focused on connecting police with their communities). Volunteer as a polling station attendant during elections. Donate to charities focused on improving laws you care about like the EFF, ACLU, etc. So many ways to get involved in improving governance and representation!