GameRager: I want to enjoy a storyline and not be surrounded by a bunch of others killing me all the time
On the not being killed all the time point, I'll agree with you. Though I found that after a bit of dedication to a game, I'm often mediocre enough to end with an even or slightly positive rate on that end. When that's not the case, I simply log out and take another game to vent off :p
When we're talking about storyline, I enjoy that, but I seriously dislike the limitations. I'm a weirdo and whether proud of it or not, I'm going to stay one. So my attempted solutions are often rather different from the intended ones, leaving me with a bad taste of 'hey, why can't I just do xyz, all I need is RIGHT THERE.' Not to mention the difficulty with predefined dialogues.
I just love a good storyline in a pen and paper RPG though, when playing with others and a game master that can react upon my dumb ideas ;)