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shadowmirage: I'm currently unemployed and a part-time software engineering student studying from home; hoping to apply to study software engineering full time at a prestigious school next spring.

I'd love to code my own indie games and write fiction for a living (ambitious, yes), but for the moment I'll remain a financially challenged hobbyist.

I wonder if hikikomori-geek-culture-enthusiast counts as a job title? At least I have a lot of time for games.

Oh, and I was a volunteer worker in Thailand and China for a long, long time.
XYCat: It depends whether you get any money being a hikikomori or not. :)
Heh, I don't suppose government welfare counts? XD
If I ever do manage to finish any of the games/novels I'm currently working on, then perhaps all that spare time will have finally paid off :).
Or, to give the less bourgeoisie answer, "Pfft, why do people always assume that it's not a REAL job unless it makes money." :P
Tw2Brick: What, no bricklayers? =) Anyway - Bricklayer, 30 years - now retired.
fablefox: Here! Here! Although many years ago, and in a 3rd world country at that!

I built two house (semi detach) and a workshop, I lay bricks and mix the cement (using shovel of course, being 3rd world country and all).

Took the tool on my body too much... long story...
Yes, it is hard work and will wear a body down - especially the back from bending down laying the lower courses (and after 30 years of doing so).

I have done my share of mixing mud manually - not something I'd want to do all day.

Anyway, glad to see a fellow builder here among my favorite online community.

Post edited September 25, 2012 by Tw2Brick
I fix bugs in a commercial program.
Other than building big metallic things, I volunteered for the national Fyrd. Gotta watch out for them vikings.

Oh, I've also worked in accounting (f*ck), tourism (f******ck) and machining (f**... no, wait, that one was OK).
Tw2Brick: What, no bricklayers? =) Anyway - Bricklayer, 30 years - now retired.
fablefox: Here! Here! Although many years ago, and in a 3rd world country at that!

I built two house (semi detach) and a workshop, I lay bricks and mix the cement (using shovel of course, being 3rd world country and all).

Took the tool on my body too much... long story...
I mixed cement the old-fashioned way and built houses when I did volunteer work in southern Thailand (near Hat Yai, not too far from the Malaysian border actually). I did something similar when I volunteered in China as well. Thankfully I only did manual labour for a few months (I spent the rest of my time teaching). It definitely wears you down quite fast - especially when it comes to a frail geek like me ;).
fablefox: Here! Here! Although many years ago, and in a 3rd world country at that!

I built two house (semi detach) and a workshop, I lay bricks and mix the cement (using shovel of course, being 3rd world country and all).

Took the tool on my body too much... long story...
shadowmirage: I mixed cement the old-fashioned way and built houses when I did volunteer work in southern Thailand (near Hat Yai, not too far from the Malaysian border actually). I did something similar when I volunteered in China as well. Thankfully I only did manual labour for a few months (I spent the rest of my time teaching). It definitely wears you down quite fast - especially when it comes to a frail geek like me ;).
I was considered Adonis when I dug ditches in a hard packed, rocky high desert, and despite being young and in enviable physical condition I had what I could only describe as arthritic pain in my hands when I went home.

Some things we are just not able to do long term. Somehow some manage to habituate to it enough to survive, but it's brutal and kind of sad given our technology:(
Some people have jobs and still they have so much time be in this forum. I don't get it.

Edit; I'm just an asshole and drunk. *smiley face*
Post edited September 26, 2012 by Antimateria
Antimateria: Some people have jobs and still they have so much time be in this forum. I don't get it.

Edit; I'm just an asshole and drunk. *smiley face*
Some of us have boring jobs and internet access......
Antimateria: Some people have jobs and still they have so much time be in this forum. I don't get it.

Edit; I'm just an asshole and drunk. *smiley face*
Oh don't worry, you still have plenty of time even if you have a job, as long as you're a drunk with no life;)

PS, drunk too, brother!
Antimateria: Some people have jobs and still they have so much time be in this forum. I don't get it.

Edit; I'm just an asshole and drunk. *smiley face*
MonstaMunch: Some of us have boring jobs and internet access......
Or this!
Post edited September 26, 2012 by orcishgamer
Antimateria: Some people have jobs and still they have so much time be in this forum. I don't get it.

Edit; I'm just an asshole and drunk. *smiley face*
orcishgamer: Oh don't worry, you still have plenty of time even if you have a job, as long as you're a drunk with no life;)

PS, drunk too, brother!
MonstaMunch: Some of us have boring jobs and internet access......
orcishgamer: Or this!
You ogre.. I like you. We just try our best. Those fucks.. Anyway.. *featuring a drunken asshole* =), I did have a soul. ^^
I just got hired in the gaming section of Bestbuy right next to my house.
Antimateria: Some people have jobs and still they have so much time be in this forum. I don't get it.

Edit; I'm just an asshole and drunk. *smiley face*
I have a job at day, and class (study for degree at night). i visit usually before twelve (most of the time). other than that whenever i have free time.

sadly, i have no girlfriend.
Titanium: Other than building big metallic things, I volunteered for the national Fyrd. Gotta watch out for them vikings.
Damn straight. Some of us are even deftly camouflaged as lumberjacks.

I'm an engineer working with drilling equipment.
Post edited September 27, 2012 by stonebro
Antimateria: Some people have jobs and still they have so much time be in this forum. I don't get it.
Shhh, I'm in a meeting now!

I hear the meeting organizer saying blaa blaa blaa. She just asked whether I could check something, I said yeah I'll do that later today, just send me a reminder mail.

Quite often when I write here, I have something running on the background, many times even several things at the same time.

Even at home, I quite often watch TV at the same time as I play something. Maybe that's why I prefer RTS games and others where there is waiting and "overseeing" of things, more than actively having to kill baddies all the time.

I'm also very flexible with my working hours. If I have lots to do, I continue work at home to late hours. Just last week a colleague of mine commented that I had apparently sent a work email at 2:15am (at night) or so. Fortunately this is an exception nowadays, sometime before this used to be the norm for me.

Too bad I can't drink at work... I have tried sometime in the past though.
Post edited September 27, 2012 by timppu
SimonG: That is actually a part of my job. I actually killed one contract the day I started.
Could have sworn it said:
SimonG: That is actually a part of my job. I actually killed one contact the other day...
Hm.. oh well.
Post edited September 27, 2012 by sloganvirst