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Software build/release engineer (basically a type of software developer) working for a decently large (18000+ employees worldwide) semiconductor company. Pretty fun job most of the time with some really frustrating moments, but at least the pay is good, the people are awesome and the work is rarely boring.
I'm in an internship, while I study a master's degree. That leaves me with very little time to play :(
Damuna: As for playing GOGs...I struggle with depression, and tend to do very little at all, including playing video games.
Oh man, don't I know that feeling.

Taught English in South Korea before returning to the U.K. since then I have been temping as a science technician in high schools. Holding out for a better place, also looking at returning to Korea to teach English to adults and save up for a MSc.
When I start to feel depressed, I start playing games, the nations was the last game, before that King's bounty.
Last time I played a game for fun was Dragon age in February when I thought that maybe London would be better 2nd time round.
keeveek: I got none. My current plan is to move to UK, save some money, go back here and from saved money start some business.
Would not recommend, the down turn has hit everyone hard and I know a number of poles who have decided to go back home as London is pretty damn expensive and there is little work (unless you know someone who can get you work).
Post edited September 24, 2012 by MichaelFurlong
I'm a customer service representative. I hate and love my job, often times switching back and forth several times a day.
I am CG artist :)
I really hated college and never managed to finish, now i'm 25, going nowhere, unemployed and miserable
I have a disability that makes it difficult for me to find a job, doubt i ever will. I'm living off the goverment, and although my montly stipend is weak, under a 1,000 dollars, I manage to get by just fine and can afford a few luxuries, nothing fancy. I can afford to travel to austin every year to visit my sister, and i can afford to buy a game or two now and then if their cheap, usually not the 60 dollar bad boys.

honestly, i spend all day playing games, watching movies, listening to sufjan stevens, and drinking beer.

another thing that makes it hard for me to get a job, is that i get these savage bouts of anxiety that make it hard to concentrate, so i can't drive either. the day i get in a car and try to drive somewhere is the day i die, and probably take one of you wonderful people out with me. in fact, I'd probably take out a whole bus full of boyscouts.

anyways, that was a long rant, but thats where i am job wise. maybe i will get a job, but i doubt I can.
Post edited September 24, 2012 by ashout
Translator, editor, journalist, software localiser and part-time lecturer in translation for IT and business.
I'm an independent machinery technician with my own business, specializing in one particular brand of industrial woodworking equipment. I offer on-site service, free phone and e-mail support, and new and used parts. Been an independent for 6+ years now and it's tough to imagine ever going back to being an employee. It's scary as hell being on your own, and also packed with satisfaction.

Gaming? No problem - laptop works great for both home and travel gaming. I can play more on the road since it's just me and the hotel room. At home there are a bunch of things that get in the way of a couple hours of playtime.

CymTyr: I'm a customer service representative. I hate and love my job, often times switching back and forth several times a day.
You said a mouthful there. It's both highly satisfying and frustrating at the same time.
MichaelFurlong: Would not recommend, the down turn has hit everyone hard and I know a number of poles who have decided to go back home as London is pretty damn expensive and there is little work (unless you know someone who can get you work).
Unless you're in IT. For whatever reason, every profession in the UK is struggling except for IT, where they're basically crying out for people. That's the same here in Germany though.
jamyskis: Unless you're in IT. For whatever reason, every profession in the UK is struggling except for IT, where they're basically crying out for people. That's the same here in Germany though.
Semi-true, Of my friends, those who studied I.T. related subjects are doing best, but It's still difficult finding work as there is still alot of competion for places.
CymTyr: I'm a customer service representative. I hate and love my job, often times switching back and forth several times a day.
You must love NotAlwaysRight ;-)
My official title is Director of Revenue Management.

I am in charge of managing rate and inventory for a few hotels. It's complicated, but every decision I make to change the rate or increase/decrease inventory involves 2-3 sources of data and a bunch of analysis.
I'm Batman.
mondo84: I'm Batman.